(Part 2) Guilty

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 A/N: WARNING: This chapter has a Lil spice or whatever its called, but not full smut. 

After the breathtaking kiss, the two adults, both in shock of what had just happened continued watching TV. Well, not exactly watching, yes their heads were faced towards the screen, but they weren't paying attention, they were both flustered and lost in a deep sea of thoughts. Around five minutes of this thinking occurred when Hopper pulled Joyce in for a warm hug and kissed the top of her head, his scruff slightly touching her forehead, making Joyce's heart beat faster than ever before when around him. "I like you Joycie.., and I know you're probably still grieving over Bob.. so hear me out, ill wait as long as it takes if it means I could someday man up and-" Hopper was suddenly cut off by the distance between them closing and Joyce giving him a light peck on the lips, enough to make his heart flutter and for him to lose his train of thought. Joyce whispered, "I like you too hop...., I'm ready." His heart pounded out of his chest at the nickname, that she had been calling him since they first started sharing cigars between the fifth and sixth periods in HighSchool. Hopper kissed her forehead and said while grinning, "Hey Joycie.. wanna share a smoke like the old days?" "Absolutely Hop.," she said smiling brighter than the sun. 

They walked to the front porch, hands intertwined but couldn't keep their eyes off of each other causing Hopper to walk headfirst into the door. Joyce couldn't contain herself and started laughing to the point that her stomach hurt, while Hopper joined in, giggling while watching the goddess-like woman in front of him, smile brighter than he's ever seen before. At that moment, he realizes that he wants to make her laugh and smile like that every day, even if he has to hit his head every day, because her smile makes him weak in the knees, and makes his heart melt within seconds. They finally open the door with less head hitting this time and Hopper lights a cigarette, takes a puff, and hands it to Joyce, who does the same but follows it with an adorable cough, like always. "hey remember when Mr. Cooper caught us that one time...? "hey assholes..." Hopper mocked the old man. Joyce grinned and laid her head onto Hopper's chest. 

(Time Skip) Every day for the past week, during her lunch breaks she would visit Hopper in his office and spend some quality time with him, and when she couldn't make it, he came to her work and would pick up random things to buy so he could go through the checkout aisle to see her beautiful face. This time, he picked up a blue and green box and slid it onto the counter, Joyce erupted in laughter and said, "Are you sure you need these Hop?" pointing at the 150 pack of Tampons. Hopper, slowly realizing what he had done and said: " uh... do you need any?" which caused both of their faces to flush bright red. "no... I have plenty." Joyce giggled. As she watched Hopper silently put the box back and grab a mini chocolate cake from the food section of the tiny market. He bought the cake and asked for a plastic knife and two forks, then he cut it in half and gave her half of it. "thank you hopper" she smiled while taking a bite of the cake.

Five hours later, after work, Joyce heard a knock at the door, and she went to open it and saw Jane and Hopper with a small bucket of popcorn, candy, five sodas, and a few blankets. Jane excitedly said, "dad wanted to.. see.. you so I figured we could do movie night a day early.. is that alright?" Joyce smiled at the girl  "of course" and then watched Jane quickly run off to find Will, who was one of her best friends now. "hi" Hop sheepishly said, "so you wanted to see me huh?" Joyce said while grinning. "yeah I couldn't help myself" he said as he quickly gave her a peck on the lips before the kids ran back into the living room. They all sat down with a few blankets and popcorn and watched the movie. Mid-movie, Hopper put his hand on Joyce's upper leg causing her to instantly turn into a tomato. Then he winked at her and said loud enough for the kids to hear, "I'll be back, I need to go wash my hands, sticky stuff is all over them.." then, Joyce, knowing what he was up to said, "yeah me too." and followed him into the bathroom.

The pair washed their hands and then slowly closed the door so it wouldn't creak while being closed, They quickly slammed their lips together, trying to muffle sounds as they slid off their clothes. They started kissing and moving their hands all over every part of each other desperate for more friction. Once they pulled apart from the embrace, Hopper looked stunned as he saw every inch of her, "𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯" as he would describe her. He took a long look to stare at her beautiful curves, beautiful eyes, everything about her was beautiful. They quickly started making out again, but not long into it there was a knock at the door and a quiet and calm Jane said, " I have to use the bathroom, are you guys finished washing your hands yet?" The pair quickly made up an excuse while gathering their clothes to put them on, Joyce accidentally put on Hopper's undershirt, which was many sizes too big for her, and hopper put on his Hawkins Police Overshirt, not thinking about it. When they walked out of the bathroom, they looked rough, Hopper was wearing most of Joyce's lipstick and Joyce had to use her hair to cover a few love bites. Will 100% knew what happened, but innocent Jane just looked confused and tried to make up an excuse in her head. Hopper leaned over and whispered in her ear "later.." and Joyce felt butterflies in her stomach flutter and a feeling of warm desire filled her body.

A/N: ahhhh! I love this. Hopper and Joyce are so darn cute!

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