(Part 14) spark

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one year later. 4th of July, 1989  3:24am
Joyce tossed and turned in her sleep. She was having an anniversary nightmare. She screamed in the dead of night as she witnessed the moment where she thought her world was gone, the moment when everything came crumbling down. "wait.." she thought to herself as she was dreaming. "I think I can control this dream.." she then didn't turn the keys. She ran into the room with the sparks and lasers coming from the machine. She then quickly pressed the button that slowed down the machine and brought it to a halt. She then ran into her lovers arms sobbing. She didn't want to let go as she was scared that he would fade away from her if she did. Joyce's heart slowed as she went back to a peaceful dream. Hopper put her back down on her side of the bed. He had grabbed her and cradled her as usual when she had those nightmares. They went back to a peaceful sleep, hands intertwined.

6:45 am
Beep Beep Beep all four alarm clocks blared throughout the house. Hopper groaned and shut of the alarm and sat up to face Joyce. She pulled him closer to give him a peck on the cheek before she stood up and started getting ready for the day. As Hopper joined her in hurrying the day along, he couldn't help but watch in awe as even though she looked exhausted she was still chipper and dancing at 6 am. Within an hour, the kids had eaten breakfast, gone to their friends houses and Joyce and Hopper were off to patrol. Joyce felt as if she had a big lump in her throat all day. She was always struggling to breathe and had two anxiety attacks by 12pm. "It's okay" Hopper reassured her as she slowly but surely started breathing normally again. "Damn anniversary effect" she thought to herself, groaning.

The kids had invited all of their friends over for a firework show they had been saving up for. "Hey remember when we thought that Hopper was blown up?" Dustin joked, only to get the death stare from everyone else. "we might as well call him firework!" He continued. Hopper face palmed. "nobody is calling me firework ya jerk., I didn't even go BOom" hopper laughed, using his hands to mimic an explosion going boom. "At least the seven foot tall Russian freak went splat!" Lucas joked. "and Bil.. Nevermind" Mike started and interrupted himself, noticing Elevens death stare and Max's tear prickled eyes. El pulled Max in for a hug, giving the boys all a "stare" which terrified them all equally. "Who is ready for some.. FIREWORKS! I'm sure Hopper is!" Joyce came outside, breaking the silence. "HEYYY NOT YOU TOO!" Hopper face palmed again as he sat down a firework in the front yard "three.. two.. one.." he yelled as he lit the firework. "SHIT SHIT SHIT.." he ran back from it, expecting it to go "boom" any second now. But nothing. He checked the fuses, "hm, short fuse, I'll tie it to another firework!" he stated, tying the fuses together and getting ready to run. He lit the fuses and suddenly one of the fireworks knocked over, shooting blasts at them. screams could barely be overheard because of the fireworks coming at them. "SON OF A BITCH!" Hopper yelled, immediately pulling Joyce, El, and Will in for a shelter hug. Jonathan covered Nancy and Nancy covered Mike and Lucas. Steve ran away, pretty much sacrificing Max and Dustin but they quickly huddled up behind the two groups. Miraculously, nobody was struck by a firework. But hopper wasn't in charge of fireworks anymore. "NO NO NO!" Steve yelled as hopper reached to light a firework.

Snatching the lighter out of his hand. "sit down. I'd rather not die. You've lost your firework privileges." Steve joked as he lit a firework. "hey Joyce remember when we used to get fireworks in our neighborhood and have firework wars with the neighbors? And that one time I blasted a window out with my "firework cannon"" Hopper joked. "sadly yes I remember that" Joyce sighed and nudged him on the arm "you also burned one of my shirts once, that was a very awkward conversation with my mom as to why her daughter was shirtless..," she laughed until her stomach hurt as Hopper's face turned red "I was hoping you wouldn't remember that. Heh.." he said, scratching the back of his neck. "I remember everything" she smiled "then what about my birthday present?" He teased. "Wait birthday? Oh my gosh I'm- WAIT A SECOND YOUR BIRTHDAY IS APRIL TENTH YOU JERK!" She laughed, elbowing him in the stomach as they continued watching fireworks together, often exchanging glances or jokes. As night fell they stayed outside even though everyone had already went Inside. Hopper tapped on his box of Camels "wanna share?" He asked, not waiting for her response and lighting a cigarette. He acted as if he was going to pass it to her but instead pulled her into a passionate kiss as the neighbors fireworks went off in the distance. "I love you." Joyce said, cuddling up to his chest as they started passing the cigarette back and forth "I love you more Joycie" he argued. "no I love you more firework" she said as she laughed and stuck her tongue out. "heyyy" he pretended to make a pouting face and turned away from her. Only to seconds later pull her in for another kiss as they continued to absorb the beauty of the fireworks. "I love you"

💖The End💖
hey guys! I uh, really enjoyed writing this story but I felt as if it wasn't going anywhere. My views haven't gone up much and I don't want to bore you guys so I decided to just leave the story with a goodbye kiss 💋 please tell me if you have any story suggestions because I'd love to continue writing.

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