(part thirteen) ring..

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a week after their reunion,
Jonathan was coming home from college, El was at home working on schoolwork, Will was at school and Joyce and Hopper were at work.
ring.. ring.. the home phone blared through the house as El ran to answer it. "Hello?" El groggily answered as she had only been awake for an hour. "Is this the family of Jonathan Byers?" the man worryingly questioned. El's heart dropped "yes., why?" she managed to get out between unsteady breathes. "he has been in a car accident and is in critical condition, so is the young lady that was in the car with him. We have airlifted him to the Indianapolis hospital. We have no clue what he hit., he was saying something about a creature ran out infront of him." the man explained. "we will be right there!" El half yelled before hanging up and dialing her dads number. "hello?" he answered, "DAD, someone.. just called me from the Indianapolis hospital saying.. that Jonathan and Nancy are in critical condition because of a accident." She said, trying to keep herself together. "Jane.? Me and Joyce are on the way to the hospital. You know where it is right? Can you get Will and ride your bikes there?" He asked, not waiting for her response and running out of the station with Joyce.

El jumped on her bike and raced to the school. Her heart was beating and her breathes were shaky. She sped up to the school and stopped her bike with a skid of her tires. She opened the door and told the front desk lady that there was a family emergency and that she needed Will. "Will Byers for dismissal" he heard blaring over the announce speakers. "what is it this time?" He sighed. walking towards the exit door and opening it to find El. "NOW" she demanded, grabbed his hand and rushed out of the school. "El whats happening?" he questioned, getting nervous. "Jonathan was in an accident. We have to be at the Indianapolis hospital NOW." She stated, hopping on her bike and riding as fast as she could possibly go, followed by Will. They rushed the normal thirty minute bike ride to a mere fifteen minute ride. Often having to swerve to avoid drivers that didn't understand the concept of staying on the road.

El and Will ran into the hospital as fast as possible, searching for their parents, who they soon spotted at the water fountain. "mom! dad! Is he okay?" The two said in unison. "he and Nancy will be okay., they are just very injured and Jonathan almost broke his neck from impact, Nancy has some glass damage and her arm is broken." Joyce reassured the two. "can we see them?" El questioned as Hopper pulled her in for a hug. "maybe later, they need time to rest" Hopper sighed, keeping her in the hug for as long as possible as they walked to the waiting room
4 hours later., El was wide awake, unable to sleep unlike the rest of a small group. Hopper was snuggling Joyce, and Will has his head on El's shoulder as he was passed out. Her mind was racing and she couldn't breathe very well. She didn't know that Jonathan would be okay because she didn't understand the terms but, she didn't want to lose him. He had been a big brother to her and had been there for her when she needed it most. She didn't want to lose Nancy either, her heart ached as she continued to race over the worst possible scenarios. Tears began to prickle in her eyes as she imagined a possible funeral, she didn't want to go through another funeral again, she couldn't lose him. "please be okay.." she whispered to herself as she fell asleep to her own tears.
El awoke to a older man shaking her shoulder. He was probably in his mid 60s and had a farmers vibe. "ma'am, the nurse has been calling you and your family to see 'Jonathan Byers and Nancy Wheeler' for a few minutes now, can you wake them up? I'm sure you'd be glad to see whoever your waiting for." He said while stroking his beard. She nodded, smiled and started poking everyone until they woke up. "Time to go see Jon!" She smiled, as they all questioned why they were being woken up and where they were at. Their memory clicked back in and they slowly but surely got up and started following the nurse towards their room.

"Jonathan! Nancy!" The group excitedly cheered as they entered the quiet hospital room. The two hospital beds were pushed beside each other and the pair was holding hands. They both had a big smile on their face though they looked like they had been through hell and back. Jonathan had a neck cast, he had several bruises on his face, and many bandages and soon to be scars. Nancy had a bunch of bandages, a ankle cast and a sling for her arm. They were both wearing the usual hospital gowns and were tucked into their beds, obviously not very comfortable but trying to make the best of it. The wheelers stopped by for Nancy and the group spent hours talking,  until it was time for the pair to head to sleep and for visiting hours to be over.  El sat in the backseat of Hoppers vehicle, staring out of the window. She was very relieved that her big brother would be okay and she peacefully fell asleep on the way back home.

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