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Sin and I had fell into a comfortable routine in the few weeks following the wedding.In the morning I would make breakfast for us and we would have a light conversation.At first I had just been me doing the talking and he would just grunt after every couple of sentences that I spoke, I was pretty sure he was not even listening to me so one day I decided that I would talk at all.Of course, Sin, being the person he is, noticed and questioned me on my silence to which I replied,"I have nothing to say." He reminded me again that he did not like liars because apparently I 'always had something to say about nothing.'I smiled realizing that maybe he did actually listen to my weird ramblings about 'nothing' and proceeded to chat his ear off.

He would then go to work and I would spend the day watching TV or reading magazines.Sometimes I would go to the mall with Josef, my bodyguard, and I would spend the day shopping.Just for fun I would ask Josef for his opinions on some the fashion and clothes I saw at the stores.His face would flush and he would tell me that he was sure that I would look good in anything.I laughed at him and after a while he caught that I was really making fun of him and would always pick the ugliest items he could set his hands on for me to try on.Later on when I got back to penthouse, I would cook dinner and Sin would be home to eat that meal with me as well.We would tell each other about our days, me doing the most talking while he just sat and listened, on rare occasions even asking questions.

All in all it was not bad living with him.In fact, I actually liked it, I enjoyed living with Sin.That was a sentence I never thought I would say.Ever.He was good company to have when he wasn't in a foul mood.Whenever that happened he would lock himself up in his office the whole night and leave the next morning before I woke up.

I was in the closet, the one with my clothes, looking for something to wear to dinner.Sin told me in the morning that we would be eating out tonight.

"Don't cook tonight, I want to take you out."He said, taking a sip of his coffee.

I paused from eating and looked at him."Like, on a date?"

He sighed at the question."Yes, like on a date.That is what married people do."

I smiled in excitement."Okay.Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise.Dress smart."He said nothing more on the matter.He refused to answer any of my questions and left the penthouse soon after, only saying to be ready by six.

And now, here I was struggling to find anything that looked nice.

I spent another hour looking until I found the perfect dress.I put it on and quickly did my makeup when I saw that it was already five thirty."Josef."I called out.

He barrelled into my room and looked around frantically."What's the matter? Who is here?"

I giggled at his behavior, he was always on high alert ven in the penthouse, which really was not necessary because of all the security in the building."Nobody is here, relax.How do I look?"

I saw his body relax a smidgen and he smiled at me."I am not payed to relax, Mrs Sabatini.And you look wonderful, I'm sure the Boss will have a hard time keeping his hands off of you."

The last part made it hard for me to keep the smile on my face because even though it was nice living with Sin and he had been cordial to me these past weeks, I was still dreading have sex with him.He had told me the first night that we would consummate our marriage soon as expected by the Familia and that if anybody asked I was to tell them we did have sex but that lie could only last so long...

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