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I ran passed the doors of the hotel, tears streaming down my face.I went in any random direction not caring on where it would lead, as long as it was away from him.

My cheating husband.

I knew it was too much of me to expect that he would stay faithful since this was a marriage of convenience;a means to an end.And what happened to Bronwyn's usual disappearing act?Sin had told me that she would be gone for months, like she usually is.People grunted and shouted words of protest as I pushed them out of my way but I didn't bother apologising.I turned down an alley, leaning on the wall, trying to catch my breath.It was hard since I was still bawling and my knees gave out.I fell, ungracefully, on the paced ground and cried.Cried because I was naïve to think that Sin was starting to have feelings for me.Cried because my heart was hurting so much.But mostly, I cried because I loved a man who didn't care for me.

It was laughable really.

I do not know how long I had been sitting there crying over a man that did not give a rat's butt about me so I was startled when I felt hands grabbing my shoulders.I fought against their hold but instead of letting go, they tightened their grip.

"Calm the fuck down.I won't hurt you, stop."The person insisted.

I stopped fighting them and spoke,"Who are you?Let me go."

He did.I turned to face him and saw a man, probably around the same age as Sin, with brown hair tied in a bun at his neck and a beard to match.His blue eyes stared into mine, no emotion visible."Are you okay?I saw you crying when I was walking."

I didn't know if I could trust the man in front of me.For all I knew, he was one of Sin's men and he was going to take me back to him.So I settled for a nod."Who are you?"

"I'm Be—"He cleared his throat before continuing."Beckett.Beckett Stanley, a pleasure..."

Not falling for that,creep.

"Aspen Jacobs."I lied.He looked at me suspiciously which meant that he could tell that I was lying, I was never an expert at lying.I sniffed and wiped my eyes to try and divert his attention."Can you tell me where I am, Mr Stanley?I should get home, my husband is probably wondering where I am?"

That wasn't really a lie.Sin surely was wondering were I was but I wasn't going to go back to him.And Beckett Stanley didn't need to know that though.

He studied my face."Come with me, I'll give you a ride home.Your husband will get you back soon."His smile—that looked more like a grimace if I was being totally honest—did nothing to douse my suspicions of this man.

I gave him a fake smile and slowly moved away from him."Oh, that's fine, I wouldn't want to trouble you.If you can just tell me where I am I'm sure I can find my own way."

He suddenly grabbed my forearm tightly, his face sinister."No can do.Now, you are going to get into that car and if you try anything I won't hesitate to cut that pretty face of yours.Understand, Penny?"

My breath got caught in my throat when he said that so I complied.Not like I could try to fight him.He was at least 6'2'' of pure muscle and strength while I was barely 5'5 and lanky.The only thing I had to my advantage was...nothing, I had nothing I could use.

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