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The entire ride to the penthouse was spent in silence, something I was thankful for.

Sin must have realized my need for space right now.I knew that Fallucci was trying to cause more trouble between Sin and I but the stories about Illana and Bronwyn sounded too real to not be true.I was not going to ask Sin about them, not until he told me himself.

Although I wanted some time to myself, a part of me also hoped that he would ask how I was doing.That he knew that the show of anger at the warehouse was an act to get Fallucci off my back by giving him what he wanted.

Well, some of it was an act.

I was still plenty angry about what I had seen at the hotel today and I have no doubt the text was from Fallucci.Especially when he had so passionately told me how much he wants to ruin Sin's life, starting with his marriage.

When we got out the elevator I was crushed in a hug by Grayson."Penny, I'm so glad you're fine.I was so worried, he didn't touch you did he?I will fucking kill him, I swear."He promised heatedly.

I smiled at him."I'm fine, he didn't do anything.He just spoke a lot."

"Well, that sucks.I mean don't get me wrong, I don't mind that you're safe and shit but I was hoping I'd get to cut someone today."Killer said from the couch.He winked at me, a barely visible smile on his lips.

"Glad to know you care, Killer."We had grown accustomed to each other since the wedding.I actually didn't mind having him around and I think he was starting to like me as well, not threatening to hurt me anymore but instead offering to hurt people on my behalf.

A hand squeezed my shoulder."I'm happy to see in one piece, little sis."Rusty smiled before he followed Sin into his home office.

The other two brothers followed soon after and I retired to my room and took a much needed shower.

When I got out I headed straight for the kitchen.It was almost midnight and I last ate in the morning so I was famished.My stomach growled at the thought of food and I patted it to settle it.Sin was sitting at the counter on a stool, doing something on his phone.

"I'm making something to eat, do you want anything?"I asked him.

I was met by silence but I knew he heard me."Where are the others?"More silence.

He really was ignoring me.He had no right because I was the one who had their heart broken today so I could be angry with him.I should be the one not talking to him not the other way around.I was not going to entertain him so I made two sandwiches, placed one on front of him and took mine with me.

"When you finally decide to snap out of your dickish mood I'll be in my room."I snapped.I heard him scoff which made me angrier."What is so funny?"

He finally looked up at me, his eyes were just like before; cold, hard and emotionless.I flinched when I noticed."The fact that I thought that you were different.That we were finally going somewhere in this relationship."

"Yeah, I thought the same thing until you cheated on me.Until you betrayed my trust—"

"I betrayed your trust? I'm not the one sharing laughs with one of your biggest enemies."He said, coldly but I could hear the anger in his voice.

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