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Reader POV

Us adults surrounded the children and those who couldn't defend themselves.

"Please, hurt us as you wish! But let the children live!" Ana begged.

Vanica, Dante, and Zenon looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"We were kidding before," Vanica laughed hysterically. "We only came here for one person."

All three of them pointed at me.

"What do you want with her?!" Fiona growled.

"We need a powerful mage to help us with our...task," Dante explained. "She comes with us and you all live. If not..."

There was a scream behind me.

"Mommy!" Little Emma's eyes widened as her mother Amelia dropped to the floor, dead.

"Don't hurt them! I'll come with you!"

Of course I wasn't going to go with them. I was going to save everyone by using my magic to get them out of there as fast as possible.

I made eye contact with Zara who had shadow magic. No one could detect it.

As we had communicated nonverbally, Zara placed hands on everyone and they disappeared from view.

"What the hell?!" Dante activated his magic.

Thirty screams echoed around the walls.

Blood poured around my feet.

"Did you really think your pathetic shadow magic could match the magic of a devil?" Dante spat. "Now all of you are dead. Pathetic!" He spit on the ground next to Alex's mutilated head.

My heart slowed down. 

In a second, everyone I knew was dead.

My brothers.

My friends.

My neighbors.

And most likely my father.

"How..." My eyes narrowed as tears slowly ran down my cheeks.

"Aw, you made her cry!" Vanica frowned. For some reason, she reminded me of someone I knew long ago but couldn't remember her name. In fact, all of them looked familiar to me in a way.

I just couldn't place my finger on it.

My grimoire floated into the air next to me as three huge ice shards erupted from the ground.

"Holy shit!" Zenon leaped into the air. He tried to use magic against me, but I calmed my breath and my grimoire flapped a few pages and a new spell printed.

"Ice Magic: Blade of Nordicis!" A huge blade appeared beside me. "HOW COULD YOU?! THEY WERE INNOCENT PEOPLE! INNOCENT!!!"

"Shit! Her magic is massive!" Dante frowned. "We knew you'd be this powerful, but what the actual Hell?!"

My ice usually had a color to it that matched my feeling.

If I was feeling happy, it had a pure white look with light blue tint.

However, my ice right now was a deep red mixed with a deep blue.


Another spell was added.

"Ice Magic: Cry of Eira!"

The ice from the caves broke apart and formed themselves into daggers in a matter of seconds and aimed themselves at the three.

[Shards of Ice] Nozel Silva x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now