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I really suggest you play the music :)


Reader POV

In the years that followed the war, the Dark Triad and Dark Disciples were put on trial for their actions.

Rina, who was really a double agent, was condemned a hero since she helped the final series of spells possible.

Her boyfriend, Ebony, was also on trial, but his sentence was only a couple of months since his music magic was extremely powerful and could revive people at a faster rate with healing music for meditation.

Nozel was still annoyed that the pendant he bought me the night we first kissed was smashed to pieces.

Two years after the war, he decided after dating for a while, it was time to do something about it.

So, he replaced it with a ring.

Will you marry me? He had asked.

It was a cool night in the springtime.

He had made food and planned a picnic.

Of course, I accepted!

It didn't come off as a huge shock to everyone that he proposed.

Now, three years after the war, we were happily married.

Not only that but the day we got married, he was crowned Wizard King.

The 29th Wizard King was rarely ever seen without his smile when he was with his wife, (y/n) (l/n) Silva.

As for the Spade Kingdom, Yuno took his birthright to the Spade Kingdom since Asta, son of Dante, was still set on becoming Wizard King someday, as I was happy to be with my family in the Clover Kingdom.

The soldiers who were forced to fight for the Spade Kingdom all went back to their homes.

There was nothing that could bring back my dead family and friends, but I did something else.

With Asta and Yuno, I put a statue of two children playing in the mine where my family and friends died.

The house where I grew up was taken down and instead, the whole village was turned into a memorial. Plaques, where the houses once stood, were placed down.

The family of those who died would go to the site and pay their respects.

"NOZEL!!" I shouted.

He looked up from reading his book on the bed we shared.

I held up a pregnancy test with a blushing face and pointed at it.

He dropped his book and ran over, snatching the thing from my hands.

His eyes were huge. "Holy fucking shit..." He slowly looked at me with a huge smile. "(y/n)! You've got a bun in the oven!"


Nozel's smile disappeared and he opened the door only to see Nebra, Solid, Noelle, and Asta tumble into the room.

"Would you all like to explain why you are all here?" He asked. "This is the Wizard King's castle and it is 6 am."

The two elder Silva siblings pointed to Noelle and Asta.

"Well, we've got news," she said with a blush.

Those two were set to get married in three month's time.

"And the servants directed us up here," Asta finished. His eyes were closed and the two looked so happy.

"Well, spit it out," Nozel frowned. "I've just heard the best news in years."

Noelle looked at Asta and he nodded. "Nozel, Nebra, Solid, (y/n), I'm also...kinda sorta...maybe-"

"She's pregnant," Asta said proudly.

Nebra and Solid looked like they wanted to faint. "You two couples! Whose kid is going to be born first?"

"Naturally whenever the kid, or kids, want to come out," Noelle and I said with flushed faces.


When everyone heard the news, they were surrounding Noelle and I. 

"Aw, I can't wait to see a little mixture of Noelle and Asta, not to mention the Wizard King's child!" Vanessa was cooing.

In three years' time, some had changed.

Vanessa no longer drank herself shitless all the time, Luck and Magna came to terms with each other, and Luck wasn't so deadpanned on fighting everyone.

Things between royals, nobles, and commoners got better- especially since more Nozel and I got married.

True, there were the few who kept to the old ways, but overall, things had changed.

Simon and Emerald welcomed two children into the world one year after the war.

Rill and Charmy started dating recently, and more couples got married.

Every single person that looked down on Asta, Yuno, and I now looked at us with adoration.

Every child knew about how the three of us ended the final battle with a boom.

Construction had repaired everything fairly quickly, which was a good thing.

Nozel and I moved to the Wizard King's castle when he was crowned on our wedding day.

As for the Silver Eagles, Nebra took over as captain, and a member named Dominus became vice-captain since Nozel never appointed a vice-captain.

The pair would often be seen around the Silver Eagle's base, organizing missions and making sure everyone was in line.

The Golden Dawn became third in terms of rank, with the Black Bulls as first and Silver Eagles as the second strongest.

It still shocked everyone that the 'worst squad' was now number one and all the 'misfit mages and failures' turned out to be some of the most powerful mages in the country.

Even Finral the flirt had gotten so much stronger.

It was debated at House Vaude's celebration for Finral becoming the next head after the war.

Langris knew he didn't want to become Finesse's husband and after much talk with his family, Finral, who had proven himself worthy, became the next head of House Vaude.

He still had his mother's last name.

"HOLY SHIT ICY SILVA IS PREGNANT!" Yami had a tired smirk as he sat next to Charlotte at the Wizard King's castle's banquet hall. "You'll be next, maybe."

Charlotte's face erupted into a huge blushing mess as she yelled at her laughing boyfriend.

Nozel wanted to throw everyone out, but he as the Wizard King couldn't since it was important for everyone to get along.

Fuegeleon wasn't too happy to be Nozel's subordinate, but he still came to terms. Said man was congratulating his rival.

Things had changed, but some hadn't. 

Everyone was happy and nothing could ruin that.

Or at least they thought so.

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