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Back in the past, 1,000 years before the current time...

Aline POV

I frowned, looking at the crimson sunset. Tonight, I would climb the stairs to the top of Itachi Tower and accept my role as the new Priestess of Avalore.

"You look lovely," Father smiled as I walked out of my room, adorned in a red outfit. The hem of the skirt and sleeved was a brilliant gold with a precious gemstone necklace from the north of the lands where cold magic users lived with the devils. My hair had feathers in a crown that draped around my brown hair.

"Thank you," I smiled at him.

Once, every few decades, each House would present a son or daughter to become the priest or priestess of that specific house.

They would become sacrifices of sorts- to keep everyone safe. Satan, King of Hell, roamed the lands with his cruel grip.

The few regions that were peaceful were only like that because the noble house had offered a sacrifice.

The elves that lived nearby, protected themselves with the vast magic powers that they had.

Us humans had powers, but none like an elf's power, spirit, or devil's.

I walked around the village one last time. Children presented me with red rose bracelets to adorn my wrists.

It was the very last time I would see everyone.


"From House Avalore: Aline Avalore!" A devil with blood magic in his human-ish form announce.

"From House Dervillion: Giovoni Dervillion!"

Everyone was announced to the devil on the throne. He had his face covered with a mask and looked bored.

At last, everyone was introduced. Satan came down from his throne and all of us didn't dare to lift our heads as we were bowing down to him.


I felt a cold hand cup my face and lift it. Behind the veil was a set of piercing red eyes. I couldn't see anything else.

The guards nodded and the other sacrifices were pulled out of the throne room.

I was taken to another area. It reminded me of something out of a distant world named Earth's city of Rome with a mixture of Indian architecture.

"You will join His Highness for tea. After you are properly dressed."

I was pushed into a bright room with white walls and pure gold ridges. Gemstones were embedded into everything I wore.

 Gemstones were embedded into everything I wore

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(This dress but bloodred)

I allowed the female servants who were all devils and other creatures of Hell to 'ready' me.

"You are a special one," a servant said as she did my hair. "We do not care so much for your human qualities or idealogy. But you are different."

Two guards flanked us as I was brought outside. Even though I was in the deep nirvana of Hell in this world, I couldn't help but notice the beauty in everything that would be hideous and ugly.

A gazebo with bloodred flowers was in a bright beam of light.

"Care for some tea?" Satan motioned for me to join him. He still had his veil on.

I could see in the sunlight that he had ash-blonde locks. 

"You are a pretty one. What was your name again?" He asked as I sat down across from him.

"Aline Avalore from House Avalore."

He nodded. "Ah. That's right."

And so, I lived as his bride.

He was trapped in this Hell. No one could escape it, and he was cursed to live forever.

Over the months, I had learned that he was actually hurting and was really a 'puppet king' for his father, Lucius.

Lucius was the ruler of Hell, and his son Satan was the ruler of Hell in this world.

However, I had found myself pregnant with Satan's child. 

But the month that I was about due, Lucius came from Hell. And took over his son's form.

Lucius, with body of his son, purged the lands. A huge massacre was inevitable.

I watched with horror as everyone I loved perished in the flames.

I had run to the temple where it all began and begged the Heavens to help. When I woke up the next day, there was a scroll seated beside me with the seal of the Heavenly Rulers.

I read over the ancient writing and it told a story. One thousand years from now, if I could complete a certain entrapment spell, there would be a girl. Three would become one and one would become six.

So, I took my grimoire and ran towards the palace where my poor husband was trapped.

My grimoire was originally a four-leaf clover with light magic. It had turned into a five-leaf when I saw my friends and others burned alive. 

"I won't ever give up!" I shouted as I tried to attack Lucius. 

I didn't want to hurt my husband's body, but there was no other way.

The Heavenly Gods spoke to me. "Do you feel that surge of hope? Keep ahold of it. We will grant you the powers of an angel. But in order for us to do this, you must give up something important to you."

And so, I had no other choice but to give up my love for my husband. He would understand that.

I took three deep breaths and my grimoire floated into the air. A huge burst of light came from it and a sixth leaf was added to my original four-leaf clover grimoire.

"Angel Magic: Holy Ray of God!" 

The spell came crashing down and I had to stay strong as I heard the cries of Lucius and my husband.

Tears welled in my eyes as I tried to block them out.

All too soon, it was over. The sky turned a bright blue.

I knew what else I had to do.

I gave birth to my daughter and I named her Sofia.

She was a devil and had my father's ice magic.

I held her tightly and placed a spell on her. 

"I'm sorry, my daughter. You must grow up without me." She was put into a grimoire that had a clover and snowflake entanglement that was next to the scroll I found at the temple. 

I knew that a grimoire only has one owner and the girl who would fight alongside the six would claim it one day, one thousand years from now.

I tasked my youngest sister, Amaki, with keeping my own grimoire safe.

"Pass it down for generations," I said to her. "When the time is right, I will come back."

I didn't tell Amaki that my soul would live a dormant life in all female descendants of House Avalore.

Centuries passed until I felt something hit me. 

I emerged out of the girl Rina's form and her soul went dormant. I looked around and saw the descendants of House Avalore.

There was one girl in particular who had (h/c) hair. I knew she was the one the prophecy spoke of when I saw her grimoire.

The clover and snowflake entanglement.

The one I hadn't seen in over a thousand years.

"It's time to fight."

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