King's Fears

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King and Ram never agreed to anything after that night.

It just became normal for King to wait after his class for Ram so the two of them could study together. Of course, King would spend most of his time helping Ram study so the boy could get further ahead and succeed to his greatest levels.

King had never been happier in his situation. He was happy to be around Ram, even if he didn't offer anything but looks through his eyes, as Ram was a pleasant person to be with.

It was only after midterms that Ram noticed anything.

He was walking with Phu through the hallways, trying to relax after taking the practice exam. He had been able to answer almost every single question, thanks to King's help through his intense study regiment.

The grades of the practice midterms had been posted earlier today and Ram found himself silently hoping that he was ahead in his class. He wanted to make King proud after all the work the senior had put in to help him.

"--really has lost his touch."

Ram looked at the sophomores that were looking at the grades that had been posted, clicking their tongues and shaking their heads.

"I don't know, maybe P'King just had a bad time," one answered, "He only dropped a couple of places."

Ram looked at Phu with confusion, waiting until the sophomores had vanished before hurrying to the board and looking at who was at the top of the facility. It was certainly not King, and Ram had to drag his finger through the names and places to find his senior's name.

He straightened his back and left Phu standing there, staring in shock at King's placement among the others.

He walked toward the gear statue and found King sitting with his friends, Bohn sitting on top of the table while Mek and Boss were joking around with each other. King had his eyes locked onto the paper on the table in front of him, flicking his pencil between his fingers in thought.

Ram paused at the entrance of the courtyard and stared at the scene.

No wonder his P'King's grades had dropped, look at who he was surrounding himself with when he was trying to work.

At that thought, he was struggling to understand why King was trying to work here when he was perfectly fine studying in his apartment. It was a lot more secluded.

He walked forward.

Regardless of the reason, he would take King to a better place to study. His house was just as good as King's apartment and there would be too many people in the library for King to focus.

"Oh, Nong Ram," Boss called with a smile, making King look up at the junior.

Ram waiied to the seniors but walked up to King and took his fanny pack from the table. King looked at him in confusion, Ram ignoring the seniors as he snatched King's papers and grabbed King's wrist.

"Oii~," King said, nearly falling as he tried to get out from behind the bench, "Ram, slow down!"

Ram waited until King had regained his balance behind the junior before continuing to walk, pulling his senior with him.

He took him to his bike and sat the senior on the back before moving onto the seat and pedaling forward. King grabbed the younger's waist quickly, not wanting to fall off.

"Ram, where are we going?"

Ram was quiet, focusing on navigating until they reached a crosswalk by the park. He looked back at King as he waited for the traffic to stop.

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