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First off, thank you for five thousand reads. It makes my heart dramatically happy, my stupid romantic heart. Secondly, talking to y'all in the comments...thank you. I'm not good at starting conversations or talking, because I have a really annoying form of anxiety.

Either way, I'm not what you're reading this for so...

Song of the Chapter: "Running After You" by Matthew Mole


There was a vacation at the end of Ram's first year that drove Ram's determination to show King how much he cared about the elder. King's fourth year was going to be hectic, as he was going to have to go for his internship as well as work harder with his school.

He had borrowed a large sum of money from his parents to take King on a holiday to Japan, the Netherlands, France, and England. All four nations had some of the most gorgeous gardens in the world.

Perfect for his boyfriend to see and relax before he was thrown into his last year.

Now all that was left was to try and subtly convince King to come with him.

"Ram, he never says no to you," Duen spoke as the two were walking toward the gear statue, "Besides, you designed this entire trip specifically for him. If you tell him that, he can't possibly say no."

Ram gripped his backpack straps tighter and let out a soft sigh.

He had gotten in contact with someone in England that was going to give him something that would show King how much he cared for him since obviously this trip wasn't enough for that.

The tattooist had taken the small design King doodled on his papers when he was bored, the crown, and placed it on top of a heart surrounded by traditional Thai designs with King's name written in Thai bordering the heart.

It was going to take a few hours to finish but Ram was prepared to let King do what he wanted in London while he got the tattoo done.

Duen's hand put his hand on Ram's shoulder and forced the taller boy to stop walking and look at him.

"Ram, there's no reason to be nervous. How long have you been dating?"

"Seven months, two weeks, and three days," Ram replied instantly.

He could never forget the day King agreed to be his boyfriend and thanks to King, his math skills had improved so well he didn't even need to think to know how long it had been.

King was seriously the love of Ram's life.

He was prepared to make exceptions to everything for the sake of his boyfriend.

Duen laughed at Ram's lack of hesitation. "You two are sickeningly sweet," he spoke, "It's like I'm drowning in Pixie Sticks."

Ram blushed but buried it immediately.

"Anyway," Duen spoke, "Maybe if you just tell me what your itinerary is, just talk about it, it'll be easier to talk about it to P'King."

Ram nodded and the two continued walking.

"Japan is the first stop. In Kanazawa, there's Kenrokuen for a traditional Japanese garden," Ram spoke, "We'd spend a day in the gardens and have a picnic and explore the city. Mito has the second, so we'd take the train there to see Kairakuen. In Okayama, there is the second of the three gardens, Korakuen, and fly from there to the Netherlands."

Ram had planned this meticulously, centering almost everything around the fact that King loved plants with a burning passion.

He had inserted certain things that Ram loved to do as well, like spending time eating food at a high-end restaurant and going to a dog park in almost every country he'd planned.

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