A Hot Mess (Tee's special)

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Hi. I'm an awful person <3


Tee ran a hand through his hair as he stared at his friends.

They were all happy now.

They'd gotten together for a trip to Korea and were currently sitting in the VIP lounge of a bar somewhere in Seoul.

Evidently, King's position in his company was a lot higher than they first believed. During the past year, he had been promoted twice through the ranks of the company and was now currently the head of the Agricultural Department.

Additionally, Bohn and Duen had (with the help of a few contacts) book the entire lounge for their celebration.

They were getting married soon, which was a cause for celebration.

There were other reasons for the celebration.

King and Ram were engaged last week and Mek declared that Boss getting promoted in his company was reason enough for celebrating.

To be fair, it was impressive that Boss had gotten a higher position when he had been content with the position he had been in already.

Now, they were all laughing and talking with Ting Ting and Tang (who finally had the guts to ask Ting out after almost five years).

Tee felt alone.

Everyone looked happy with their lives and with the people they chose to spend them with. But Tee wasn't happy at all.

He hadn't been hired in the company he wanted and in the company he was in, he hated the position he was in. He counted himself lucky that he had actually paid attention in some of the classes that had nothing to do with his major because that was what he was stuck doing.

His friends all had gotten together with someone, but he was alone.

Tee lifted his phone up from his lap and stared at the time.

There were no new messages, and he hadn't been anticipated or expecting anyone to text him.

All his friends were here, in front of him, and he didn't talk to his coworkers enough to get their LINE.

It was well past midnight and the scotch that Tee had thrown back a few minutes ago was still buzzing in his throat.

He stood up and tucked his phone away, walking over to the bartender with a forced smile on his lips.

He ordered another drink and walked toward the balcony, throwing open the glass door to let the cool wind slap him sober again.

Tee sighed and leaned against the railing, sipping the whiskey as he stared out at the lights of Seoul.

The door opened behind him.


Tee turned to see Phu walking up to him, leaning with his back against the railing. Phu looked over at Tee, their eyes meeting.

Remarkably, Tee hadn't talked much to Phu.

Tee had gotten along well with almost everyone else that Duen had introduced to the friend group but Tee just couldn't remember ever being alone with Phu or holding a conversation with him that lasted for more than a minute.

"What can I help you with tonight?" Tee question, taking another sip of his drink.

"You don't look happy, Phi," Phu noted, "And you don't talk much."

Tee shook his head and put on his fake smile again.

"Nah, I'm plenty happy. And I've been talking all night," Tee defended.

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