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Song of the Chapter: "minimal" by ROLE MODEL

(I would apologize for using artists that aren't well known but they're my favorite and fit the atmosphere so well...)


Ram tapped his pencil against his desk as he waited for class to be over.

Officially, King and Ram had been together for almost two months. Finals were right around the corner and because the two of them always got distracted, the couple had agreed to only see each other once or twice a week.

Ram spent a lot of time with his friends, Duen being absent most of the time when Bohn had gotten too annoyed with his friends. He had been wanting to see King all week.

"That's all the time we have today," the professor stated, looking at the clock on the wall, "Please study over the weekend, your final will be on Tuesday."

The professor dismissed the class and left, the students talking with each other before they left as well.

Phu stood up with Ram and walked with him out of the faculty building.

"Are you going to see P'King today?" Phu questioned.

Ram didn't need to answer. Just the smile that appeared on his lips told Phu more than he needed.

It made Phu want to laugh.

Neither King nor Ram had told anyone that they were dating but it was obvious to those that paid attention to the way that they acted when they were in the same place.

Phu was the only one that spent enough time with Ram to notice the way Ram subtly smiled whenever King looked at him. He took it happily and ran with it, using it to his advantage as he could finally tease Ram about something.

"Where is he today?" Phu questioned, "I didn't see him with the seniors."

Ram looked at him confused, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He sent a text to King.

Sheep BOI:
Phu said you weren't with the seniors.

Squad Fam King:
Sorry, I forgot to tell you!

Bohn wanted to get Duen a present, he took me after class to go get it.

Ram nodded and said nothing, continuing to walk toward where he had left his bike with Phu right on his tail. They walked toward the gear statue, where Duen would be waiting with his friends from his own faculty for Bohn to pick him up.

However, when they reached the courtyard, Bohn was already there with Duen, flirting with him as his friends were teasing the two.

King was nowhere to be seen.

Phu left Ram's side and the tall junior pulled out his phone again.

Sheep BOI:
You're not with Bohn.

King didn't reply.

Ram left the courtyard quickly and grabbed his bike, heading toward the direction of King's apartment.


King didn't answer the door and after consulting one of King's neighbors, he had discovered that King hadn't been home, or they didn't know that he had come back.

After what happened the last time King had been locked out of his apartment, Ram had gone out of his way to get a key cut for himself that he would keep on his key ring for emergencies.

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