No Rose Without a Thorn

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Meaning: Every preferable or desirable situation comes with difficulty.

Song of the Chapter: "Colour Me" by Juke Ross

I'll write more when I'm less tired.

Enjoy ❤


King was exhausted.

Having flown back from London at an atrocious time of the morning, King had slept on the plane but that chair did not offer the best sleep. Ram had apologized for it already and let Ram sleep while he was packing most of his boyfriend's plants into his parents' car.

King's apartment looked barren and cold without his plants, it formed a cold hole in King's tired heart.

Ram unlocked the front door.

"Phi, I'm home," he called stepping out of his shoes and into his flip flops.

King said nothing, his arm covering his eyes as he lied on the couch. The TV was playing some drama but King was obviously paying him no attention.

Ram walked over to the kitchen, feeling odd that he didn't have to avoid King's hanging plants. He placed containers of food on the counter.

He left the kitchen and knelt next to King's head.

"Ram, please let me sleep," King sighed, "I'm very tired."

King had started his internship after the two had gotten back.

Ram had been astonishingly good at planning the trip, but the two of them ended up spending much longer in each location than Ram had thought. They ended up spending almost the entire vacation break overseas, flying back into Thailand with only a few days left before King started his internship and a week before classes started.

"Phi," Ram spoke in a low murmur, "My parents sent dinner. They're looking after Royal tonight."

King hummed but made no indication of moving.

Ram swallowed and put his hand on King's shoulder. "I'll feed you if you sit up, Phi, then you can sleep all you want."

King hummed but this time, moved into a sitting position. Ram pecked King's forehead before fetching the food and placing some of it onto a plate.

He fed King dinner and the apartment was filled with silence as Ram had turned off the TV.

Ram left the dish on the coffee table and picked up King, taking him to the basically bare bedroom. He tucked King in and waited on the edge of the bed until King had fallen asleep.

All the times that Ram had taken King to bed and the two had a hot, steamy session, Ram refused to take off his shirt. He had been waiting for his tattoo to properly heal enough that the redness would go down.

Now, with King already asleep, he could change into a gray T-shirt.

He pulled off his hazer jacket, his tie, and his button-up white shirt, leaving them folded neatly on the chair by King's desk.

King shifted in his bed and through the dimmed light of the lamp of the room, King could make out Ram's chest clearly.

His original chest tattoo had extended down to the middle of Ram's chest. He couldn't make out what it was in this light but he could clearly see the doodle that he always drew.

King was suddenly very much awake. He reached up and rubbed his eyes before pushing his torso up.

Ram had grabbed his gray shirt and was positioning himself to put it on.

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