Come Home

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Song of the Chapter: "Like a Fool" by Sam Kim and NIve


It was early for the second semester of Ram's freshman year when King's friends found out about their relationship.

It had been nearly four and a half months since King and Ram had gotten together and needless to say, Bohn was not taking it well.

King found himself sitting alone when he was out of class. Bohn wanted nothing to do with King, he felt like King had completely betrayed him.

It was torturous to King.

He should've told Bohn at the very least, how could he not tell his best friend something so important?

Sure, King had always been there for Ram but it was Bohn who had always been there for King.

He understood Bohn's feelings and resolved that he wouldn't approach his friend until Bohn had reached out to him first. He had done something awful, he deserved to be punished for it.

That was only King's mentality.

Ram was pissed off at Bohn's behavior when he found out.

"What do you mean?" he heard Duen say when he was walking to the table, "There's no way P'King would have been dating Ram and none of us would know about it."

Phu cleared his throat.

Duen turned to him and Phu nodded. Duen's eyes went wide. "You knew about this?!"

Phu nodded again.

"I'm hurt more than anything," Bohn explained to Duen, "Doesn't he trust me? Maybe he doesn't think we're friends anymore."

Ram clenched his hands into fists. How dare he assume?

"I don't think that's right," Duen offered, "P'King's always been really kind toward you and your friends. Maybe he was just scared."

"Of what?" Bohn asked sarcastically, "That I would find out? That I would be against it? Because I am!"


"I don't care!" Bohn retorted, standing up and noticing Ram. He stared at him directly in the eyes and sent him a nasty glare.

"King knows I don't trust the kid. Ram took advantage of King's kindness, I won't forgive either of them for that."

Ram turned away, dust kicking up behind his shoes as his soles ground into the dirt. He stormed off because if he had stayed, he would have killed Bohn.

He went to King's classroom and waited outside until the professor had finished the lesson and left, Ram walking in past the seniors and looking around the crowded room.

King was lying on the table in the back, his head leaning against his arm as he held a pencil in the other. Ram walked over quickly, finding that the pencil had left a large, dark mark on the otherwise empty paper.

He knelt in front of King and shook him lightly, calling his name.

"Mmm, Ram?" King questioned, "Don't you have a class?"

King rubbed his eyes and Ram stood up, picking up King's bag and helping King stand as he regained his bearings.

"You told your friends?"

King looked at Ram for a minute before denying. "They...may have seen something."

Ram looked at him curiously. King sighed and reached up, grabbing his shirt collar and pulling it to the side. There was a dark mark that Ram had left there a few nights before, standing out against King's white skin.

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