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Song of the Chapter: The King by Conan Gray

(Damn straight Ram is the king. He's King's king.

I'll see myself out)


King was amazed as he walked through the front gardens. He had waited for Ram for more than ten minutes but he didn't mind all that much. It was a lovely day, there was minimal traffic around the gardens, and King was completely in his element.

He could identify plants with a glance, a smile always finding a way to his lips when he gently brushed his fingertips along the glossy leaves and silky petals of flowers.

He bent over a row of orchids, squatting on the ground and talking quietly to the plant.

"You must be happy here. Growing all nice and proud in the warm sun."

Truth be told, Ram had been here for more than ten minutes. When he had seen King arrive, he had nearly lost his nerve and left entirely. But when King had walked into the front gardens and that smile was lifted onto his face, he couldn't resist staying and watching.

He'd taken a few pictures and his heart beat quickly at the prospect of King smiling like that all the time.

Ram reached looked into his bag and pulled out a bottle of water, walking forward when King started to talk to the orchid.

He stopped next to the senior and King glanced to his side before turning entirely and looking at the taller junior. Ram held out the water bottle, his eyes soft as King looked up at him with those puppy dog eyes.

"Owh, thank you," King spoke, taking the bottle and cracking the cap, "This makes up for you being late."

Ram blushed slightly and looked away. He could never admit he had been here longer than King had.

"Let's go," King said, standing up and taking a drink before walking forward along the gravel pathway.

Ram followed him eagerly.


The roses were beautiful, covered with some of the light water that had been sprayed this morning. King was staring at the color of the roses with a brilliant sparkling in his eyes and Ram couldn't help but be captivated as well.

The bright morning sun hit the water beautifully and increased the color of the roses to be vibrant enough to dance through the eyes like fireworks.

King was not disappointed in the least and Ram enjoyed his time immensely. He loved spending time with King, it was one of the best times he had spent ever outside of his house and without his dogs.

The two were walking out when King remembered that Ram needed to pick up his dogs.

"Oi, don't you need your huskies?"

Ram had half-hoped that King had forgotten about the dogs. The two had such a lovely time that it seemed cruel now to force Ram to slowly start facing his fear.

He must have been concerned because King started rambling.

"If you're worried about my reaction, I'll be okay. There will be other people there and I know your dogs are well trained. Besides, if anything should happen, I can just wait outside. My reaction shouldn't be as bad anymore, that was really a one-time thing..."

Ram almost smiled but he was afraid it would make King think he was making fun of his fear. King's fears were nothing to be laughed at to Ram, they were serious and should be conquered slowly at a pace that wouldn't harm King.

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