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Song of the Chapter: "Lover Boy" by Phum Viphurit

(I like fluff and romance too much when I can't give it anyone.)


King had decided to do something nice for Ram for his birthday.

Ram had gotten an apartment from his family to stay in that was closer to the university but Ram only used it for when King was tired and wanted to lie down somewhere new. It also helped the two of them study easier.

King took Ram's key off of him when he was sleeping in King's apartment and went around the city all day, getting things for the special day.

He decorated Ram's apartment, hanging twisted streamers of different colors around the perimeter of the room. There were a few new plants that were around the room, along with a couple of balloons.

He brought a cake from the supermarket and left it in the fridge, playing with the lighter as he leaned against the counter. He had no classes today but Ram did, so King had done all of this while he was waiting for Ram to finish classes.

Glancing at his watch, King left the lighter on the counter and pulled out the cake before leaving to hurry to Ram's class.

If he was lucky, he would get there right at the end of the lesson and steal Ram away before his friends had a chance to ask him to come with him.

King walked through the hallways, some of the juniors saying hello when he passed them.

He could see he had already missed Ram coming out of his class with Phu and resolved to go find him at the Medical faculty where he would be with Duen.

However, when he got there, he found that Duen, Ting Ting, and Tang had brought Ram's parents. They were happily greeting him and Ram noticed the dogs immediately.

Ram's plan of getting his boyfriend familiar with the presence of dogs in his life was going much slower than he had anticipated.

King's fear of dogs triggered reactions depending on the situation.

There was only once that King had a panic attack because of a dog, but there were powerful reactions even when King knew the dogs were trained well but it was still a surprise to see them there.

King had gotten used to seeing Ram's dogs on a leash but it was terrifying for him to see them here, out in the open.

Ram's dogs had taken a favorite liking toward their master's boyfriend and used every opportunity they could to race from Rund or Ram's side to greet their new favorite person.

Today was no exception.

King stared at the dogs.

They stared back, their eyes sparkling in anticipation.

One barked, King took a step back.

They broke from Rund's loose grip and raced toward King, who took the opportunity to jump onto a table. One husky jumped onto the table and King jumped to the next, staring at them in fear.

It looked like a moment from an anime, the main character facing off against his enemies that stood staring at him.

Ram walked calmly over, leaving his dogs on the table and standing below King.

He offered his hand but King continued to stare at the dogs.

Ram sighed and walked behind King, standing on his toes as he grabbed King around the waist and pulled him from the table.

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