Embarrassing Moment (Special)

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Welcome to the ten thousand read special!

I've never done this before but I'll do my best to give you guys something that you enjoy.

Stay safe, good luck with allergies (I'm currently dying from them), and eat healthily!

--Love Shade

Song of the Chapter: "Hello, Anxiety" by Phum Viphurit


Royal had really taken a liking to King.

No matter how well Ram treated the dog, if King was in the room, he would go to King before he even glanced at Ram.

It was slightly frustrating but it was normal at this point and Ram had accepted that there was nothing he could do to change who the dog's favorite person was.

But as Ram was in his third year, he found that Royal did treat him well.

King was at work still, having texted his boyfriend that he was going to be stuck there for a little longer than he had anticipated because something had come up. Ram had been stressing out over a project that he needed to have completed before tomorrow.

Everything was going fine, he had nearly finished it, but there was an equation that was not calculating right no matter how many times Ram rearranged it.

He needed King's help.

Ram glanced at his watch, noting the time, and looked at Royal.

The dog was staring at the front door sadly from his bed in the living room. He knew as well as Ram did that King was supposed to be home an hour ago.

"Royal," Ram called, "How about we take dinner to Phi?"

Royal's ears perked up as Ram walked over to where he kept the dog's leash and quickly ran over. Ram attached the lead to the collar and grabbed his wallet and keys.

He called for takeout from the stall between here and King's workplace, the employee told him that it would be ready by the time he got there.

Ram walked down the stairs with Royal following close at his heels.

The evening air was soft against Ram's face with the light stretching to only the tops of the buildings and the tips of the large trees that drooped their branches over the sidewalks. Royal was stopped several times by people on the street who wanted to pet and cuddle the dog.

Ram was used to this and said nothing to the people but pulled Royal away when the time was starting to go against them.

Upon reaching the stall, Ram paid for the food and thanked the employee.

The lights above were yellowed and Ram let himself enjoy the walk with Royal as they neared the industrial district. King worked in a company that was focusing on eco-friendly solutions so all along the sidewalk, young trees that had been planted a year or two ago quivered their leaves together in the night.

No wonder King wanted to work here so badly.

Ram had only been here once, briefly, and that had been around the side of the building when he was dropping off King in a taxi and he hadn't seen any plants.

Now, looking at the front of the building, the amount of glass that would filter sunlight into the offices and workspaces made it appear that it was outside. There were trees and flowers everywhere, even a small pond with a fountain by the entrance.

Ram walked up to the glass doors and the security guard walked out, asking him who he was.

Ram greeted him. "I'm here to have dinner with my boyfriend," he replied, "King, he works in agriculture."

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