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chaejin pov
after i ended my call with hyebin , minhee pouted at me . " you are pouting minhee that doesn't mean something good are you sad or something?" "nope i just wanna pout at you ,"he said while hugging me.
" haha you are still the pouty minhee i knew since i was 5. the others than looked at us like we were doing something stupid . " noona  , you and minhee look good together."hyeongjun said with a smirk. " obviously i knew him since we were 5 . we are best friends , i may even know more about him than you ,"i said as i tried to annoy hyeongjun. he laughed and we all stood up to go return our plates and head for class.

time skip to after school

chaejin pov
we met hyebin unnie at the school gate and we decided to ho hang out when janelle literally appeared out of nowhere and ask to tag along . and obviously hyebin unnie being the overprotective older sister of us decided to not let her tag along . although we were making it obvious that we didn't want to hang out with her she keep asking until hyebin unnie lost it . she partically shouted at her and she just left in sobs . " unnie , you don't have to be so mean to her though," i said and she flung her hand over my shoulder and said , " she needs to know she isn't invited to hang out with us,if she will think you guys are comfortable with her and she will cling to you guys even more."i nodded to agree but i also felt bad . even though i am known to be the cool girl, don't study get great grades, sleeps in class, doesn't do homework but i also have my soft spots .

minhee pov
we reach the convenience store . we all bought ramen and sat at one of the table to enjoy our food . this is like what we do almost everyday . our parents mostly didn't care because they are too busy with their business but all of us are well off . after eating we went to the arcade and gamed. " hyung , play with me the basketball game ,"seongmin said with a cute face. i couldn't reject him so i just agreed . let's face it , no one can resist his cuteness.after spending like an hour there, we decided to go home after a tiring day. hyeongjun , seongmin and taeyoung went home with hyebin noona since their house was in the same direction  than me and chaejin went home together since our house was in the same street.

chaejin pov
me and minhee and went home together . it was just like any other day . but he was similiar to hyebin unnie,he makes sure i go in my house before leaving.him being overprotective is actually adorable and he tends to act cute towards me cuz i'm older than him by 7 momths. he finally left and i took a nice long bathe to relax . i came out of the bathe like 1 hours later and sat on my bed to check my social media .

answers / reject

minhee:hey hey
me:hi , why did you call me ?
minhee:just bored
me: wanna talk?
minhee : sure
me:than what do you want to talk about ? my brain is empty at the moment
minhee: ah i know , do you have a crush on anyone now?
me: i don't know , maybe ?
minhee: i wanna know who please
me:not gonna tell
minhee:hey what about i tell you who i may have a crush on?then will you tell me yours?
me:ok , but hints only , ok?
minhee: ok
me: well he is in our class and he is popular , cute , tall and everything .sometimes he seems perfect.
minhee: who is it?
me: i said hints only
minhee: okok
me: what about you , what are the hints about your crush?
minhee: erm , she is cute , popular and a bubble tea addict
me: haha just like me
minhee: yeah...i have to go , see you tomorrow.

minhee pov
if only she knew . if only ...

a/n:longest updates yet . hope you guys enjoyed it and don forgot to vote . sorry for errors too. my english is not very strong heheheh

/best friends \minhee ffWhere stories live. Discover now