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It's in the eyes

It's always in the eyes

It's always in the eyes

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"Tell me about that douchebag"

Verena* your mentor, a famous pâtissière all around the world.

You envy her, for she have something you thought you might never have.

A healthy relationship.

"Heyyy, (Nick name) care to share?"

She stated, waving her ringed hand at you.

"Oh right"

You trail off, not knowing where to start,

"Well, I've known him as long as I can remember"

You stated, fingers going on your chin as you try to recall everything you don't want to remember

You meet him at the age of seven when he first arrived at the orphanage, you are never really found of him. He seems snob, always ignoring the people around him. You're never really found of him but at a young age, you have to admit you have a crush on him, he always have his messy black hair from the moment you see him, his eyes were mesmerizing but there is some dark glint that lies within his eyes also, you find it weird that he has a pale skin.

But what could you say or do? You are just a mare-seven year old. So you decided to get close to him, bring down his walls, it was not easy, he always push you away and it was starting to test your patience, you continue trying to get close to him for a year, others, specially the adults find it amusing and cute.

Eventually, like the child you are at the moment, find it tiring that he won't even bother playing with you. That's even you learn something about him, that his name was Asahi, he doesn't have a surname, that his only family was his alcoholic and abusive mother, and last year, at the age of seven, his mother died, leaving him in the orphanage. That moment, it sink in to you what you have in common that makes you warm up into him.

It was that both of you have a tragic childhood experience, it must be the reason why he find it so hard to open up to someone. So after a month of not bothering him, you stand in front of his door. Black bandanna in hand, (favorite color) bandanna tied in hair serves as a headband, oh, and others find it pretty on you on your way towards his room.

You knock with your free little hand, and when you heard no response, you decided to reach and twist the door knob with your little hand,

Saudade (Nakiri/Saiba Asahi)Where stories live. Discover now