It Hurts

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Turns out I wasn't what you wanted

You pant as you and Leanne finally reach the directors room, but it looks like you are not the only one waiting, as a huge man stand beside you two

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You pant as you and Leanne finally reach the directors room, but it looks like you are not the only one waiting, as a huge man stand beside you two.

"Hey kiddo, you okay?"

Leanne asked you,


you breath,

"I'm fine"

You said finally straighten up yourself, glancing left to right.

"Mind if I wander around for a bit? Looks like the director isn't showing up in any second"

You stated, already walking off to somewhere before she could reply.

You sigh, hands going on your chest area, you felt like something was squeezing your heart out, you've been suffering from this for the past few months, but now a days it's getting worse and worst.

It hurts.

Maybe you should take a day off after this.

You took a deep breath before putting your hands on your , silently walking on the hallway, glancing at the vacant rooms you walk past by, you can't help but to admire the facilities.

Well that's a culinary school for you.

"Good morning"

You glance at the one who spoke,



You hiss,

Seriously, what's wrong with your heart?

Your eyes meet cor the first time in almost half a month, with a girl in his arms. A lovely girl in his arms. Then for a moment it sink in, She must be the one with the God tongue, the one he said he would marry with out even thinking twice about your feeling.

What's so good about that God tongue anyways?

Wait, if he have her. Then he must have beat Yukihira Soma.

Then you walk pass him, pass them in a rush, ignoring the heavy pressure in your chest, then for a moment after passing them, you stop on your tracks. It was your body moving on its own.

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