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Everything will be Alright

Everything will be Alright

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"hey, hey"

You sweat dropped at the scene,

"When you said we're going to the beach this summer i thought that it would we a private one"

You stated, looking at the seaside full of teenagers. 

"Remember (Nick name), it doesn't you're rich you can just rent the whole beach"

Leanne stated, holding up a hand while dragging you out side the cabin

You let out a screech as she grab you by the arm, dragging you only with your baiting suit and a cardigan as you don't want to go out yet, but the moment she get a hold of your arm you new you're coming with her outside. Besides, she was the one who bought and forced you to wear the baiting suit, you don't even want to join them on there beach trip, but when you heard that the whole band will be coming along, you knew you can't say no. You love their band, and there is no way you are going to missed the chance to meet them all.


You whine when you manage to make it outside

It was hot

"What are you whining for?"

She said placing her black hat on your head as she look ahead. 

"It's hot"

You replied,

"And you promised, you said that the others are here"

You pout, referring to her band mates in which you haven't seen for the past few hours

"They are here"

She roll her blue eyes at you

"Anyways, I need to talk to Nakiri-chan"


"Yeah, the Totsuki director, we'll be having a concert here after all, might as well say hi to her. Come on"

She throw an arm around your shoulder before dragging you off to who knows where

"What is the totsuki director be doing here?"

You asked, looking up at her but gets greet by the sunshine, making you frown and close your eyes. 

Eventually she let you go, leaving you standing alone in the crowd, and if isn't she shit, she manage to make you fall of your cardigan somewhere along the way, allowing you to show more of your skin to the crowd of people in front of you which is kinda scary by the hungry looks the crowd was giving you, specially boys.


You heard your idol shout, approaching the female who was currently holding a microphone 

You mentally face palm at her,

"Instructor Suzuki, if you would"

You heard her say, catching your attention


Then you saw familiar pale skin you would recognize everywhere, followed by a familiar voice coming through the microphone.

"Hey, everyone. I'm instructor Suzuki, I usually teach the first-years, so this is my first time meeting all of you, Nice to meet you"

You felt like running

Like right now.

You took a step back, holding a hand on your chest. You can hear the noise of the students fan girling over him.


You really should run right now,

But running means running away from the fact that you are trying to move on.

So you stay,

heart throbbing for the fact that you want to hug him right now.


"Hey, stop thinking so deep, you might get wrinkles at a very young age"


You turn around as you recognize that voice everywhere, he was a former member of the band, technically, he used to be the lead guitarist but he left the band , making Nicolas replace him then when he came back, he settle down as the face of the group even though he was the manager.

You are unaware of the eyes looking on your way as you hug the idol.

"Wahhh, I almost thought Leanne-san way lying when she told me you guys are coming"

"Woah (Nick name) You look hot"

Ivan, the bassist of the band commented as soon as he saw what you are wearing,

"Watch your mouth dumbass"

Ed, the drummer smack him at the back of his head, send him stumbling a few step before crushing on the sand.

Making you chuckle at him, Nicolas was the last one to arrive, going beside you.

"He's here"


"Glad you didn't run away"

He smirk, amber iris shining mischief 

You just raise your middle finger at him, only go get carried like a sack of potatoes by Alex


You blink, before starting to struggle for release.

"Your ex is staring"

He mumble into you,

Ah, so Nicolas-san did tell them

"Might as well try to make him jealous"

He said, before lifting you off his shoulder


"Oh, looks like you're drowning"

He laugh, making you look at him in disbelief 

"Alex, it's not even that deep"

It was barely the shore line, 

Though you didn't notice people are starting to recognize him and started looking at your direction. Including him of course.

"I'm not talking about the ocean"

Suddenly he was kneeling beside you holding your hand like a prince charming 

"I'm talking about my love for you darling you're drowning in my love"

You mentally facepalm yourself.

What the heck.

You almost forgot how womanizer this guy is according to interviews.

In the end, you just laugh.


His grip tighten on the microphone, 

What is this feeling?

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