Fresh Start (2)

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He was leaning against the railings, (favorite color) bandanna tied in his hand, as he admire the few of the city from such a high place. For a moment, he sigh, hands going on his hands back pocket where the letter is, he already did do the note on the outside of the letter which is, come back to America and visit your mothers grave, and since he already done that a few days ago, might as well read your letter. Without second thought, he pull out the letter out from his pocket. Looking at it for a moment before gently unfolding the paper.

Here's what lies inside.

Hey, Asahi

Well I assume by the time you're reading this, you're back in America. Oh well, I apologize for not giving you this in person, I was running late with my appointment with my bother.

He stopped reading for a moment, face frowning as he read the word 'brother' all over again. Then he continue, trying to assess what this is all about

Ah sorry, haha. You must be confused, remember when you asked me where I've been? And I told you I was at the hospital? Turns out my doctor was part of my real family who abandoned me. Well I can't mad at him, they have their reason for I came from a poor family, they just thought it would be the best sending out their sick daughter to a far away orphanage in America.

Sick.. daughter?

Oh right, I can't hate them for sending me out because if they didn't. I wouldn't have the chance to meet you, Asahi.

Just right now he notice a few tear stain on the paper.

His hand grip tightly on the paper.

Weeks ago, I was diagnosed by HCM, Hypertropic Cardiomyopathy. I won't esplain to you what that is, and don't worry. I'm doing fine, I think by the time you're reading this, I already have my surgery and currently recovering. Don't worry about me.

You're sick?

He felt like crying

Also Asahi, by the time you're reading this letter. I assume you already know what you're missing right? Other than making your own flavor?

A Family.

And you, of course.

I'm sure you already know who your father is? Nakiri Asahi. Haha, I told you family is everything, but we are to young to understand and such a fool to realize such a deep things since we thought having each other would be the best. That we don't need everybody because we have each other. But I learn hard from you leaving me, that thinking that we're for each other was no such thinking but a shit.

He can't help but to chuckle bitterly

Perhaps he really did took you for granted.

Anyways! You put me through hell and I call that love, I can't help it, I love you so much. Just come back to me when you find and manage to fix yourself. You always know where to find me dear ♡

You're giving him another chance?

And don't think so deeply about your family, I'm pretty sure they are on there way now for you. Don't beat yourself to hard, and just be yourself.

He heard some footsteps behind him, yet focus on finishing every last beat of the letter.

Come back to me once you're done fixing and finding yourself ha! I'll be waiting. Also, you really look hot on your red bandanna and newsboy hat, also. speaking of bandanna DON'T LOOSE MINE OF I'LL KILL YOU, give it back to me one day. Okay?

His eyes landed at the on of the letter, tear escaping from his eye.

Oh right, you laid back arrogant ass.

Don't forget this.

I love you


Your dish was never disgusting

In fact

I love it, I can't wait for the next plate

(Your name)

Above your name was a signature of your. He felt relief and sadness at the same time.

Find himself?

It might take a while.

But you did say your waiting.


But if there is one thing he us sure of, is that until back then,

The one that he want to dedicate his cooking with, was no person with the God Tongue or something, he might be bind for a moment because of his ambition to stood from the top.

It was no one else, but you.

Saudade (Nakiri/Saiba Asahi)Where stories live. Discover now