Phone Call

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There is no way I can save you

Because I need to be save too

It's been months, and you are doing perfectly fine

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It's been months, and you are doing perfectly fine. It was fun working at the bar, the costumers was friendly as ever, there was rarely a chaos happening there. Leanne explain you that most or the costumers were a high class people, professionals and her friends. No wonder why it got that elegant vibes from the moment you step on it.

It was currently 2:12, you just locked the bar door or the bar and is heading towards your apartment which was 10 minutes walk from the bar. You walk outside the alley, pulling your hood over your head as you started walking towards the direction of your apartment.

"The Blue is near right?"

You heard someone said as you walk ahead of them.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see who will be the winner"

You heard a feminine voice replied

You are doing fine, until someone reminds you about him again.

And Blue was one of them. You knew he will join that event, he did want to beat everyone. And you can't see why he can't. He has the skills. Before you knew it, you are clutching the cloth on your chest as your heart throb painfully, making you gasp.

Woah shit, never thought a heart break could be this painful.

You thought as you fall on your knees on the side of the road.

It was hard to breath as you gasp for air.

Shit? Is this panic attack?


You heard someone call behind you, but you can't see who it was, you are on your knees, one hand clutching your chest as you heart pound painfully on your chest and your free hand on the ground, supporting your body from falling

"Hey miss!"

You heard someone call beside you, but all you can do it to pant.


"Hey miss calm down!"

you heard someone so close to you said,

but you can't as you can feel your eyes getting watery from the shortness of breath.

Saudade (Nakiri/Saiba Asahi)Where stories live. Discover now