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"Thank you, I'm really sorry on the previous day that I can't meet up with you"

The Director, Nakiri Erina stated

"Ah no, It's fine. We should be the one who's sorry. My girlfriend can't attend and have to send me here instead"

Nicolas, Leanne's boyfriend apologize with a bow.

He was the lead guitarist of M.T and you are one of the lucky fan who actually knew the two were dating. And you felt lucky just seat beside him the whole time, not letting your inner fangirl went out.

"Well then, that's all right? Let's meet at the beach this summer then"

He shake hands with the director and give her a smile

"We'll take our leave then"

You stand up and headed towards the door, as you are about to open the door, you heard a knock, making you startle, and before you could even process everything, the next thing you knew is that you're about to get hit by it but luckily, Nicolas manage to grab you in time.

You stare in shock at the door, heart pounding on your chest.

That was close.

"Excuse me"

A man emerge from the other side

You knew that voice.

"I've bought another bouquet for you today. Will you do the honor of taking it?"

You stoned in place, unable to move as your eyes follow his figure

"But to be honest, before yourself Princess Erina.. Even these flowers are but accessories to your radiant beauty"




"Nicolas-san, let's go"

"but tha-"

He stopped when he saw your teary eyes

"Please let's head out"

It hurts.

It seriously fucking hurts. 

The next thing you knew, Nicolas was serving you a drink, at the bar. You knew he used to work at this place before becoming a band member. 

"What is this?"

"Apple juice"

He stated with a smile

You scoff, though drinking it.

"Regarding to the event earlier.."

"Let's not talk about that"

You wave him off, free hands going on your chest as the pain come back.

"Actually, by the looks on your eyes, I could say that you need a talk"

He said with a smile once again, you didn't reply.

"That guy. He's your ex right?"

"As if, if you can call someone who only use you as an ex"

You huff, head banging the counter, 

Good thing the bar was still close.

"Oh yes, you could call them that. Ex friend, ex lover, just like that"

Saudade (Nakiri/Saiba Asahi)Where stories live. Discover now