Reflect (2)

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When Soma asked him what is the reason of him wanting to marry her, a flash of memories from his early days with you comes crushing back into him.

It was one of those rare times where only the two of them and Saiba Joichiro was present, you are still asleep in your room while the two of them was cooking, Saiba Joichiro was talking to him about his wife, and Asahi, being a smart child he is can see how much his father figure shine whenever he talk about his wive that was when he told him the secret of becoming a great chef

"Lemme teach you something Asahi"

Joichiro looked at the young Asahi,

"See, there's a great trick on becoming a great chef"

He started

"All you hafta doo is to find that special someone who makes you want to give them the best food you've ever made"

Joishiro stated, making the young Asahi look at him in amusement,


They heard you whine

"Why are you starting to do some cooking without me"

There you are, standing at the door, (Favorite color) tied like a head band once again as you headed towards them

And well, he was too young to understand.

And looking back at it right now


He replied to Soma

"Isn't it obvious? To get even better as a chef."

But then Soma's next question question caught him off guard

"Really? You sure about that?"

Soma replied to him, not buying it at all

"To my eyes, It looks like what you really want is something totally different"

Then a flash of your smiling face came on his mind.

"Hmph. I have no clue what you are talking about"

He said, turning around.

I thought...

I just wanted to get better but..

"Don't worry Asahi, You'll get what you really want in time"

He stopped on his tracks as he heard Joichiro's voice


He looked at him deep in the eyes while leaning against the wall

"No matter what everyone else say, I'm the one who raised you and (Nick name) as a chef."

He added

"No one can take that away from both of you"

A flavor to call my own

"I.. I don't know what you're talking about"

He utter, blush creeping on his pale cheeks

Cooking that's mine and only mine,

Sounds like something you've been telling him from the very beginning

He stopped on his tracks once again, memories of you come crashing into him.


You whine at him as you taste another of his dish.


He laugh at you as you struggle to stand from his cooking

"It still taste disgusting"

You smirked at him


Now that's a whine

"I told you to make your own flavor, you can't just stealing away some knife you earn from your opponents"

You pout at him, holding into him.

"Yeah, yeah I will"

He playfully roll his eyes at you, not really taking your words seriously as you gently fall in his arms, falling asleep.

He chuckled at your figure,

"Dang you cutie"

He said, holding you close to him before sighing

Pushing away the locks on your face, murmuring

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. (Nick name)"

Then kiss your forehead, heading towards your room.

"Ah, Asahi"

This makes him turn around to face Joichiro once again

"(Nick name) asked me to give this to you"

He tossed a (Favorite color) bandanna on his way,

One very familiar with him,

It was your bandanna after all

He catch it with ease, but as he take a hold of it, he felt someone thing

He unfold the paper on his way outside,

​​​​​​​There was a letter

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