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"So weird"

You said looking at the huge door in front of you, 

"Why am I directed into the third gate already?"

You mumble under your breath

But then you shrug it off

"Oh well lucky me"

You said with a smile, holding your hard case knife holder.


You started to freak out

"I'm late!"

You said, kicking the huge door open, gaining everyone's attention

Suddenly everyone was looking at you


You freak out

Did they knew you just escape out of the hospital?!

You promised your doctor on a note you'll be back!

"(Your name)"

Ah, the book master

"You finally arrive, Here I am just thinking about you not showing up"

You just frown at her, looking at the big screen

"Yeah, yeah, whatever"

You scoff

"I'm just here to watch"

You said with a sigh, waving everyone off as you proceed through the second gate.

This will be tiring,

You thought as you yawn, trenching your arms.


You hiss, looking at the back of your hand

"Oh yeah, I forgot I just pulled that needle like it's nothing, but damn it hurts like hell"

You stated, cooking at your bloody hand where the injection used to take place.

For a moment you stop walking

"I was right"

He stated, once again taking a seat beside your bed.   

"You do have HCM"

"Hah? Too bad for me I guess?"

You shrug, 

"Don't worry, it was curable"

"I don't"

You started, looking at the window once again

"I don't want any medication"

You stated more clearer 


Your doctor utter


You chuckle,

"I don't really have a will to live right now"

A hand grab yours, snapping you out of your thoughts. Eventually putting a band aid on the small wound 

"Where did you go?"


You answered, at least because he was kind enough to put a band aid on your wound

"heh? You sick?"

"You care? I don't think so, what do you want?"

You snap at him, Your (eye color) iris staring intensely at him

"If you don't have good intentions, please at all cost don't ever show your face to me"

You said walking past him towards the third gate




"Stop confusing me and leave me alone"

You slam the door behind you




You hiss in pain, but proceed to walk away anyways this time no turning or glancing behind you.

On the other hand, his eyes followed you. Every time he saw you there was a pain inside him saying he should go after you, that you are the one for him, but he can't for some reason he can't not when everything seems to be going on plan, the plan you helped him to come up with. He was longing for you, he was sure of it. But no matter what, it wasn't him who was good enough for you, it was you who was too good enough for him.

Saudade (Nakiri/Saiba Asahi)Where stories live. Discover now