Chapter 11

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The next day..
Sam P.O.V.
So I woke up to my phone ringing this morning. I didn't even look at the caller Id
Me: Hello
H- Where are you babe, its ten am and your supposed to be at the office right now.
Me- Yeah babe I am on my way but are you sure your at the office and not at the pub?"
H- Right so your still mad
Me: What do you think?
*End of call*

Fuck you dick, you went and got drunk and wouldn't talk to me like the adult he is supposed to be. But fucking fine I will go to work but fucking look like a boss.

sure I have the moon boot on and but I fucking look good my hair is straightened

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sure I have the moon boot on and but I fucking look good my hair is straightened. I grab my iced coffee breaka that's in the fridge. I lock up everything and see the white Lamborghini in the garage, next to the mustang. What car did he take if he didn't take the Lamborghini. Well I am going to drive it. I got in the car and drove straight there. Once I got there and I parked where I always do and I walked into the building with my sunnies over my face and Michael came straight over and said "Holy shit you look fucking amazing, Here is your coffee and our prick of a boss schedule for you." I looked at him and said "What did he do to you?" "Lose his shit at me cause you weren't here." "Really I am so sorry" "All good, Good luck" I took my sunnies off, while drinking my coffee and walking into the lift. I actually walked straight pass his office and went into mine to find Tommy standing there.
"Hey Sam, How come your late?"
"After you left last night he said some hurtful things and I found it really hard to go to sleep I am struggling with the fact if I would be good mum so I didn't fall asleep until 3am and then forgot to set my alarm.. Really sorry"
"Nah its alright he said you weren't in the bed last night with him is that cause of what he said?"
"Okay well he is in a bad mood so maybe stay at of his office. I just want to know were you going to tell him?"
"Yeah I just needed to wrap my head around it"
"yeah i understand that."
he left me be and then I sat down and my work phone started ringing, I saw it was Michael

Me: Hey Michael whats up
Mikey: Hey Um hero is looking for you, where are you?
Me: In my office
Mikey: Okay I will let him know. Hey you still there?
Me: Yeah
Mikey: Okay he wants you to me him in his office Now. Goodluck!!
Me: Okay thanks

Ugh, I get off my chair and walk pass Tommy and he gives me a face of fear and I knock on his door and I hear him say "If your not my fucking girlfriend piss off" I rolled my eyes he so dramatic when he is angry. I open the door and he eyes looked over at my body and he said "Fuck Sam, How do I stay mad at you looking the way you are. Its impossible" "If anyone should be mad its me, You left before I could explain why hadn't told you and then you left for a pub and got drunk and said some bitchy harsh things to me last night. " "I know your mad at me" "I am way pass mad more furious, If you cannot be mature about this I will raise this child with out you." "BUT YOU DON'T WANT KIDS NONE OF THIS MAKE SENSE" "I WON'T GET AN ABORTION, I REFUSE! THIS CHILD ISN'T A MISTAKE AND NEVER WILL BE! You cannot not serious be surprised that I ended up pregnant we have sex quite a bit pretty much every second day.." "Well not lately" "Is that serious all you got from that" "No, its not and I understand how the thing works. I am sorry Sam, I really am. I have been hurting you alot and thats going to change I promise" He wrapped his arms around me and I said "I am sorry I didn't tell you, I was going to tell you just needed to wrap my head around it first that's all."
Hero; wait what did I say to you last night?
Me: it's fine just drop it
Hero: no tell me what I said to you Sam
Me: no just let it go so I can move on
Hero: are you serious we suppose to be a team.
Me: we haven't been a team for about a month so I why should we act like it right now
Hero: do you still wanna marry me if you feel this way?
Me: of course I wanna still marry you. We are just in bad place right now.
Hero: exactly so tell me what I said
Me: no because it's bad enough hearing it the first time I shouldn't have to tell you what you said..

Then I pulled away from him and left the room and went to my office to started doing my work. I shut the door and locked it. I felt some tears dropped and fall onto my shirt.. I hate fighting with him and that's all we seem to do at the moment. I absolutely love him but there is some days I question why do I do this to myself is it still worth it? Then I remember we just having a bad moment and it will get better real soon..

Hey guys I have a new book out of you could please go check it out that would mean a heap to me it's called my brothers bestfriend. It is another Hero book too!!
Hope you are enjoying this book so far!!
- belle ❤️

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