Chapter 33

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So today is the day we are moving in, hero and I went to the realer-state office this morning and we signed the forms this morning and now we owned the house. All weekend we boxed up our old house and now the van is packing up all the boxes. I am so excited for today.

I look at Belle and say "So have you guys found a place yet?" "Yep and we are moving in today as well." "What really where are you moving too then?" "I am moving across the road from you, Harry and I love the place" She stood up and I squeal and pulled her into a hug and said "woohoo that's huge." Harry and Hero came walking in and said "What's huge?" I looked at them and said "We are all living across the street from each other." Harry looked at Belle and said "Why do you tell her?" "What are you talking about?" "Belle I told you not to tell her" "Oh whatever." I looked over at Belle and she walked out of the room and Harry went to balcony. I looked at Hero and he said "they seem very rocky at the moment" "Yeah they do and they have since they came back from tour." "That's what I was thinking, Right everything is packed you ready to go to our new home?" "Yep, lets grab the girls and go, meet you downstairs?" "Yep love you baby" "I love you." He grab Shady and walked downstairs. I knocked on the door to Belle's room and she yelled "go away." I yelled "Its just me" she opened the door and I said "Hey you okay?" "Yeah he just in a prick mood."

I looked at her and said "You sure it just today it seems like its been happening for a while." "Nah everyone has their rough days; he just having a rough day" "Okay but he has never like hit you before right?" "No why would you think that, He loves me, he isn't a monster." "I know but I care about you and since you two have gotten back from tour you have both been on edge." " Are you serious right now, your enemies are out to get me and my boyfriend, I came home to that and then I had to move in a pent house to stay safe, I have a bodyguard twenty-four / seven not just because I am half famous now but to keep me safe, You only call me when you have relationship problems and now you wanna give me advice and accuse my boyfriend of hurting me. I just don't understand you anymore, our friendship has changed your not there for me and that hurts." "I always ask you how you are and you never ever slip anything so what am I suppose to believe you reckon he is in a prick mood well news flash Hun that's not a prick move at all. why do you have to get his permission to me something. I nearly died, I am sorry you in that loop. Sorry I am making your life so terrible right now. " I looked at Alice and picked her up and said "see you I guess." Then I grabbed my bag and walked down stairs not having a glance back.

I saw Hero with the car and I got in and he said "Hey you okay?" I just vented it all out to him. He took my hand and said "You didn't do anything wrong you looking out for her and to be honest I think her mind is a bit clouded right now with everything, she wouldn't of mean that, you guys have been besties for a very long time. You guys will be okay, cmon now" He drove us straight to the house and we got out and saw the moving van unpacking. I looked across the road to see Belle and Harry's pulled up with them in the car pulling up too. She looked at me when we got out of the car and rolled her eyes and walked away, while she wasn't looking I gave her finger get fucked. I know Hero saw it cause he just laughed.

Before I knew it we had all the boxes inside and our furniture inside at the spots we liked. We got new furniture for new start but our living room and the things I bought for our old home we still have cause its mine and it meant something for us. Hero said "It was important for us to keep it." I let the girls loose in the back yard. I open up the boxes for the kitchen and put all kitchen things away. Hero worked on the kitchen and living room. Then we made our way to the bedroom and he threw me on the bed and said "You know what makes a new house so great." "What makes it so great Babe?" "Living with my best friend, the love of my life." "Awe your so sweet." I brought his face down to mine and press a small kiss which he immediately kiss back and put my hands in his hair with his hands through my hand. I wrapped my legs around my waist. He pulled away and said " I love you so much" I then tried to un wrapped my legs but he stop me and said "Keep them there" He then kissed me for a little longer.

My eyes adore you( Sequel to C.E.O)Where stories live. Discover now