Chapter 13

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The Next Day..
Hero P.O.V.
I woke up to find the bed bare, where is she then I heard her in the bathroom.. poor baby morning sickness. I quickly got up and put some boxers on and walk into the bathroom and found her crouched over the toilet bowl. I pulled her hair back and rub her back.. "mm Hero, I don't want you to see me like this" "no baby I am staying right here, you are growing our baby inside of you this is all natural." she couldn't say anything else as she needed to get more out. I continue rub her back. This love and support. I am a man of my promises.
Three hours later..
We are at the doctors office now for Sam's scan for the baby, its been about three hours since Sam had morning sickness but she is all good now, she had some food and juice. She is only having one caffeine drink a day and some days none at all. I hear Sam tiffin, she looks at me confused and I smirked. We stood up and walked into the room. Sam laid down on the bed and the doctor came over and place the cold gel onto Sam's lower stomach.
Sam P.O.V.
The doctor put the gel on my lower stomach and used the device that shows you were the baby is in your stomach and she showed us our baby on the screen and said "Okay guys your baby is officially a month old. Now its too early to see the gender of your baby but would you like a picture of the scan. Also here is your baby's heart beat." "Yes please we would love a photo" "okay I will go and print the photos, how many would you like?" "five please" she nod her head and walked away. Hero put a kissed on my lips and said "that's our baby" "I know its so beautiful and he or she is so little" "I know so cute but why did you ask for five?" "For us and our family and I thought you might like one for your office desk" "I love you" "I love you" The nurse came back in and handed us the photo and a letter with our next appointment and said " Remember to stay calm and not to be stressed out" "Will do"

 Hero put a kissed on my lips and said "that's our baby" "I know its so beautiful and he or she is so little" "I know so cute but why did you ask for five?" "For us and our family and I thought you might like one for your office desk" "I love you"...

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Hero grabbed my hand and helped me off the bed and my shirt went down. We walked out of the doctors office and went straight to the car and he helped me into the car and then drove straight to my dad's house today we are going to visit both of our families and tell them we are pregnant. I am finally happy I think. He keeps our hands intertwined as he drives. He placed our hands up to his lips and kissed them.

At my dad's house..

Once we arrive at my dad's house Hero ran onto my side of the car and helped me out and then we walked towards the door. I knocked on the door and I held the photo and phone. My dad opened the door and said "Hi guys, whats going on?" I handed him the photo and his eyes widen and then look up and I place a hand over my stomach and he looked at me and said "Your pregnant?" "Yep" "Congratulations guys" Dad pulled me into a hug and handed me back the photo and I said "No that's for you to keep dad" "So I thought you had the bar put in Sam" "Yeah I do apparently there is a one percent chance to fall pregnant and I am that one percent chance." "Hahaha that's funny" Hero buts up "Yeah since she didn't want kids but now she does." When hero looked away he rolled his eyes. I shook my head and we all sat down and talked a little bit..
Half an hour later..
Hero and I are back in the car now and heading to his mum house. My dad was in one of his annoying moods so he has kinda pissed off Hero which I have found absolutely funny as. I put my hand on my stomach and said "Daddy is a bit pissed off baby" Hero grunted and said "Don't" I looked over at him and down on his lap and said "You have to stop getting hard every time I say daddy, that's what our child is going to call you." "I know but maybe he or she called call me papi." "Oh my god we aren't Italian or mexico." "Hush"

I then looked out the window oh my god, he has the weird's kinks. I grabbed hold of his hand and said "Ignore him" He left out a huff.
Two hours later...
Hero P.O.V.
We have just arrived at my mums house I helped Sam out of the car and knocked on my mums door and soon enough She opened the front door and said " hero darling what a wonderful surprise" she pulled me into a hug and then hug Sam and said " Sam lovely it's wonderful to see you as well" " it's lovely to see you too Mary" she pulled us inside and I saw my sister and she gave Sam and I a hug and I said " so I have two things to announce to you... 1. Sam and I are engaged. "
" oh hunny that's wonderful news congratulations!!! What's the second thing?" This lead Sam to give them a photo of the baby.   " oh my god your pregnant!! Congratulations!! I am going to be a grandma" she gave Sam a hug and my sister gave me a hug. Then they asked Sam to show them the ring so she did and they gushed and talked about girly shit for a bit.
Four hours later..
So Sam and I are home now what a long day she is absolutely exhausted as soon as we got home she ate and had a shower and now is in bed. I don't know why I let her dad get to me so much today but he did. My mum kept asking Sam a shit ton of questions about the wedding and Sam was like um I don't know most of the time but to be honest neither one of us have thought about the wedding more about this baby. Like she is the 1% to have baby that's crazy. All I have ever wanted is to have a big family and here is my chance and I am going to love every minute of it.

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