My Own Personal Hell - Chapter 4

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I decided on a double upload because why not! The last chapter was short, so this one is much longer!

Again I hope you enjoy and please try to take the time to give me reviews! It'll really help improve the story not only for me but for you guys!

Disclaimer: I own nothing the 100 related except for my character Evelyn Stark. The rest is all the CW and Kass Morgan.


I don't know how Clarke had done it but she somehow persuaded Bellamy to join the rescue squad to save Jasper. Now with Bellamy and the others gone, the campsite was pretty quiet. I finished patching up Octavia's wound the best I could.

"Am I all set?"

I nodded.

"You're lucky it was a clean scratch. There are no signs of infection."

She sighed with relief and got up when I spoke again.

"Just try not to do anything too crazy for a while. It needs time to heal."

"Thanks Doc."

I smiled at her and she hesitated before speaking.

"How long were you in the Sky Box for?" She asked curiously.

"Five years of solitary confinement."

Octavia let out a low whistle at my response, to which I laughed.

"What was it like?"

I got up to wash my hands, dumping the messy rags into the basin to clean them later, before answering.

"Like my own personal hell. The silence, being unable to turn off your mind... it's... hell. You can only distract yourself with so many books. I mean, I was friends with the guard assigned to my cell but even then he could only see me once every few months or so."

I shrugged.

"I can't imagine," She looked uncomfortable but continued, "I thought I had it bad because I've lived in a cell practically all my life. But I had Bellamy... and my mom..."

I nodded, "It must feel good to be free here on the ground then."

"Yeah, no one deserves to be locked up forever."

I smiled at her, understanding the girl that was Octavia Blake. Suddenly the tent flapped was pushed back and Atom checked in to make sure Octavia was still there. She let out an aggrivated sigh.

"There's my own person hell."

"It could be worse... You could have Murphy guarding you..."

We both laughed and I pointed to the hatch the led to the second floor.

"If you want some alone time you can go up there. Monty's there fiddling with the communications stuff but he's a pretty good companion.

"Thanks Eve. For everything."

I smiled at the sincerity behind her words and nodded.

"No problem."


A few hours later, it was nighttime. I was getting nervous because Clarke and the others hadn't gotten back yet. Looking over at Octavia at the campfire, she was sitting next to Atom. I guess after Bellamy proclaiming him her bodyguard, they had become friends. Looking closely, I noticed their hands overlapping. OhI guess they were more than just friends now.

Suddenly there was shouting from the entrance of the camp. I looked up to see the gang returning, with an additional member.

"Jasper! He's alive!"

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