One of Us - Chapter 6

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Author's note:

DOUBLE UPDATE! Woo hoo! My way of saying sorry for taking so long! Anyway, hope you guys are enjoying it!

You know the disclaimer: Eve is mine, everything else is the CW's and Kass Morgan's!

Enjoy! xx


I had spent the better part of the next few days treating the kids who had received minor burns from the acid fog. I was exhausted as I left the dropship that night and looked to see two familiar figures hugging in the distance, in the light of the moon. Clarke and Wells. I smiled to see that Wells had finally told Clarke the truth, or that Clarke had figured it out. Down here we needed to work together if we wanted to survive.

Speaking of working togther, I looked over at Bellamy's tent. I hadn't talked to him since Atom's death... and the kiss. Now that I thought about it, no one had really seen him much for the past few days. Suddenly I felt my feet moving me into the direction of his tent.

Hesitating outside for a moment, I debated on what to do. Do I knock? If so, on what? I rolled my eyes at myself at my stupidity. I was about to pull the flap back when suddenly I found myself face to face, or rather face to chest, with none other than the man himself, Bellamy Blake.

Diverting my eyes from the sight of his naked chest I caught a glance at the sight behind him, inside his tent, and my stomach dropped. Amongst the abundance of blankets on his quite large makeshift bed were two girls. Both of which were unmistakeable naked. I recognized one of them from the dropship the day I told him he couldn't use it as a bachelor pad. Clearly he figured out another place to make one.

Looking back at Bellamy his face reflected the surprise on my own.

"Right. Well I was just coming to check on you because of- never mind though. It looks like you're just fine."

He was carrying a few water pouches, probably making a trip to replenish his energy before returning to his activities.

Without another word I quickly turned to leave. My face burning with humilation and disgust. I had gotten only a few steps away when I heard his voice behind me.

"Wait! Doc, stop!"

I ignored him and tried to get away when he caught up and moved in front of me. At first I was distracted by the sight of his naked chest again but when I looked up to see him breathing heavily, the disgust reappeared.

"On, no! Please, by all means, don't let me keep you from your important business that has kept you occupied for the last two days!"

"C'mon Doc, stop being so dramatic."


I asked incredulously. I ran my hand through my hair and scoffed at him.

"To think I came over here to apologize for what happened to Atom. To expect to find you grieving, or angry or... just anything but that... Wow. God you really are disgusting Bellamy Blake!"

I shook my head at him as he opened his mouth in an attempt to defend himself.

"Look, what happened in that cave-"

I cut him off before he could speak further.

"Don't. Just- no. This isn't about that. And as far as I'm concerned nothing happened. Nothing."

I repeated the word more for myself than for him. I didn't wait for a response but rather just quickly walked away from him before he could see say anything else. I ran my hands over my face and frowned as the memory of Bellamy's lips on mine kept flashing through my mind. My lips burned from the memory and I shook my head, willing it to go away.

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