It's Oppenheimer - Chapter 15

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Hello hello! Here's another chapter! Please comment so I can see how you're liking the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to the 100 besides Eve! 

Enjoy! xx


Eve's POV

"Clarke you need to sit down."

"N-no I can help!"

She coughed just as I was about to tell her otherwise. Suddenly a large group of kids came in. I looked over at Clarke's sickly, sweaty face, frowning. She was right, she could help. She and I were the only two with any type of medical training so we were the only ones that could help. And so far we had a steady trickle of sick kids coming in.

The flap opened once more before Octavia walked in. Guided by her brother, they both headed towards me.

"Over here."

I moved to a secluded corner and covered my face with a clean rag to limit the amount of germs I would transfer to her. I examined her using one of the portable dropship lights.

"Open your mouth."

I began my routine questions as I examined her eyes, neck and inside her mouth for physical symptoms: How are you feeling? What did you eat today?

When everything looked okay with her I pulled back, removing the cloth from my mouth so I could speak clearly.

"We're done. there's no visible signs of swelling or bleeding."

I took a deep breath before I continued, "But I don't know how long this flu takes affect. It looks like it's different with each person so while you don't have symptoms yet you're still at risk. You need to stay here just in case."

"No way. She'll get sick just being here."

I sighed. I was tired and I didn't wanting to argue with Bellamy yet again when Octavia spoke for me.

"This is the only way to stop the spread. Eve's not sick either so I'll be fine! Quit always worrying about me."

I could sense that things were still hostile between the two of them so I cut in before Bellamy could make his retort.

"Just stay on the second floor. That's where all the lesser sick kids are resting."

She nodded to me and gave her brother a last eye roll before heading to go up. As I turn to go check on the next kid Bellamy gripped my arm, forcing me to turn back. Quickly I yanked it out of his grip.

"You shouldn't be touching-"

"She needs to be okay."

My breathing staggered as I noted the intensity in his eyes. It was familiar and made my heart ache. I stood there for a few seconds before I cleared my throat and nodded before watching him turn away.

Both of us didn't notice Clarke talking to Octavia in a hushed voice.


A few hours later two more kids were dead. Clarke was getting kids to help her remove the bodies out of the dropship. Looking around I noticed I hadn't seen Octavia for a while. She wasn't upstairs as I had just delivered water to the people up there and she definitely wasn't on the lower level. Suddenly I heard shouting come from outside the dropship. A moment later Clarke ran in, grabbed a gun that was resting next to one of the sick guard kids and ran back outside. I stood in my spot, unsure of what to do until I heard the unmistakable sound of gunfire.

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