Ring of Fire - Chapter 20

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Author's Note: 

Hey guys! So first off, I just want to say thanks so much for sticking with me throughout this amazing experience. I've loved it so much! You guys are so incredibly supportive and even though I know that this story is not the greatest piece of literature, I'm so incredibly proud of it and can't believe that this is the end of this one! Once again, sorry this last chapter is pretty short, I tried to add onto it but it just sounded awkward and clunky. So I feel this is the right length. Stay tuned for two special announcements:

So.... first off, the announcement many of you have been waiting for: YES. I will be doing a sequel! *celebrates* BUT (there's always a but haha) I haven't started actually writing the sequel. I have a rough idea of what/how I want it to go but I still haven't put it all together so I need to ask you guys for your wonderful patience!

Additionally, I'm thinking of trying out a new OC story based off my own OC character and, of course, Bellamy Blake. I'm going to post another chapter after this which WILL NOT BE AN ADDITIONAL CHAPTER TO THIS STORY. It's just going to be snippets from 2 stories I've been working on. I'd love for you guys to tell me which one you want to see before the sequel (and then *maybe* I'll post an epilogue to this story (; ).

And now, FINALLY, here's the last chapter of Wishing for Oblivion. It's been awesome.

Enjoy! xx


Eve's POV:

I looked up from Raven's wound as Clarke walked in with a nervous look on her face.

"What's going on out there?"


We shared a look of uneasiness before I spoke up, trying to figure out what the plan was now.

"Lincoln said the scouts would be the first ones to arrive. They're already here so we running is out of the question."

"We need to stay and fight now. Bellamy is preparing the kids-"

Speaking of him, he stepped into the dropship with a grave expression on his face.

"Bad news. We're running low on bullets. The main road in is mined but-"

"Wait. Mined? When did you do that?"

I was impressed and slightly disturbed at the same time.

"When you two disappeared." Clarke supplied before continuing,

"Didn't Raven also built some grenades-"

"Yeah but the mines only cover half the path and there are only a few grenades. Thanks to Murphy since he wasted most of our gunpowder on his exit."

I looked up to see Bellamy shake his head after a few minutes of silence and then spoke again.

"But we'll make them count. If the Grounders make it through the front gate, guns and grenades should force them back."

"And then?" I asked. He looked up at me and I saw him swallow, putting on a brave front I could still tell he was nervous.

"Then we close the door and pray."

"Pray for what? This ship is never going to keep them out."

Clarke stated the obvious.

"Then we can't let them through the gate."

Everyone stood quietly for a few moments taking in the severity and risk of this plan. Bellamy gave a few orders through the walkies to the gunners while I surveyed the dropship. Suddenly an idea came to me.

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