You're Not Alone - Chapter 10

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Author's note:

Hello hello! When I started this story I was going to keep it all in Eve's perspective but alas... I realized that this episode needed an outsiders perspective. I hope I did it well! It's a little choppy but I hope you'll overlook that!

I've also actually finished this story, I'm just figuring out chapter lengths and writing it out better so I'll probably start updating faster! 

Disclaimer: I own nothing the 100 related blah blah blah except Eve is my original character!

Anyway enjoy guys! xx


I leaned back on the makeshift table Bellamy had in his tent while his lips moved expertly over mine. Every so often either he or I would pull away a bit to catch our breath between our feverish kisses. My hands were moving from his shoulders up to the back of his head while his hands on my waist pulled me in closer. I could feel him hard against my lower abdomen, dangerously close to where I wanted him the most. But before I let myself get carried away I put a hand on his chest and pushed him back, trying to detach our lips.

"Wait... mmm... wait."

At my words he pulled back. Our breathing was erratic as I felt my feet touch the floor again. I shook the haze out of my head as he looked down at me in worry.

"What? You okay?"

I shook my head at his concern.

"Yeah I just..." I sighed before pulling my hands down from his neck to his hard pectorals, keeping eye contact, "I thought I heard something."

Before he could say anything, his tent flap was pulled back and I felt him instantly move away from me. Clarke looked between us before facing Bellamy.

"The Council's given me coordinates to a supply bunker. I'm going out to find it soon so..."

Bellamy had been avoiding the dropship since Raven had established a video connection with the Ark with parts she'd found from her pod and the dropship.

"Yeah. I'll come with you just... give me a few minutes."

I finally looked up to see Clarke nodding at him and then looking back at me before she left the tent. There was a moment of silence before I spoke.

"You think she knows?"

Bellamy moved to grab his pack before answering.

"Let's hope not."

I frowned at his flippant remark.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

I had tried to keep the anger out of my voice but it didn't work.


He sighed, running his hand over his face, before looking at me. A weary look crossed over his face before he continued.

"I came down here for Octavia. Not for a relationship. I don't-"

"Bellamy let's go!" Clarke's voice sounded, impatiently.

I looked away from him, the words he didn't say echoed in my mind. You are nothing. 

"Go. I should go too, and check on Finn anyway."

I moved to leave the tent but stopped at the exit. Turning around I sighed.

"Hey. Be careful out there okay?"

He looked surprise but relieved that I had dropped the previous conversation and nodded.

"I will."

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