Movement - Chapter 17

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Author's note: Hello again! So... I accidentally deleted a majority of these last few chapters and then had to go back and re-write them. But don't worry! they are all written! I just need to edit them and then you can read them! :)

Enjoy xx


Eve's POV

My hands shook I sat on the cold, hard floor after they'd taken Finn away. Throwing the equipment back in the sack, I kept my hands busy. The Grounder who had found the tube earlier gave me an expressionless look before speaking.

"Anya will take no pleasure in your friend's death. Prove your worth and you'll be welcomed here."

"I couldn't save Tris, why would you want me?

Twisting around to pick up the rest of the supplies I felt a sharp pain pierce through my ankle. Silently cursing yet almost laughing in relief, I realized I still had my knife tucked under my pant leg, resting on my ankle with the makeshift holster I made. While it wouldn't have helped me earlier with four trained Grounders, there was a chance that I could take on just the one left guarding me.

"Our healer is gone. You could help us."

"Would I be able to visit my friends? See my home?"

I didn't care for his answer, I was just trying to buy time, distract my captor so I could figure out a way to escape. But at his next words my blood ran cold.

"In a few days there will be nothing to go back to."

Thinking fast I gathered up the rest of the supplies and handed them to him. When he turned around to return them to the cubby they had originally been in, I quickly pulled my knife out of it's hiding spot and tucked it into the back of my pants, hiding it from view with my shirt. I hoped it wouldn't come to it but looking at the burly man in front of me, clothed in a type of armor, I knew that I would have to use force if I wanted to survive and find Finn. Thinking quickly, I spoke again, keeping my voice low,

"There were marks on the Tris's shoulder. I saw Lincoln have the same ones, what were they?"

He looked at me curiously.

"Each scar marks a kill in combat."

I blanched, forgetting me task to distract him. There had been five marks on the girl's shoulder.

"Five kills? She was a little girl..."

"She was brave."

I stepped forward, seeing him tense but continued, making my voice soft.

"How many do you have?"

He furrowed his brow but unclasped the armor attached to his left shoulder. I nearly gasped at the amount of marks that were on his chest.

"That's a lot..."

"Most of them were after I hurt my knee."

He looked down at them and I took the opportunity. Bringing my knee up to connect with his groin I heard him grunt in pain as he went down. Grasping my knife firmly I aimed for the area directly over his heart but his strong hand knocked me off balance and caused me to slash his throat instead. He slumped down, gasping for air between gurgles as the blood began to pool. Quickly I covered his mouth with my hands, any noise could alert the rest of the Grounders.

Slowly, only a few seconds passed as he began to stop moving and his eyes dimmed. With trembling hands I released the man. I hurred to the exit before I saw his head loll lifelessly to the side.

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