Something's Wrong - Chapter 13

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Please don't hate me lol :)

Disclaimer: I only own Eve! 

Enjoy! xx


"Why the long face Clarke?"

I questioned as I walked over, admist the busy camp. Everyone was celebrating unity day in true teenage fashion: getting wasted on homemade hooch.

"The comms are still dead. They cut out during the pageant."

I nodded, understanding her concern now.

"It could just be that the electrical grid was overwhelmed and cut it off. Or just a disturbance in the satellite. Clarke, it's unity day, try to relax. You don't have to be on watch all the time."

"I know but I just don't think have a party is such a good idea right now. What with the Grounder out there and all."

"Grounders." I corrected her, "He probably made it back home by now."

There was no point sugar coating the situation we were in.

"But Bellamy's got security covered and since we can't do anything about it, we might as well live our lives."

She sighed and relented.

"You're right... You know what? I am gonna have fun."

I smiled at her and nodded in agreement, "You should! You deserve it. Just stay away from Jasper's hooch. I have three kids in the dropship throwing up from it..."

She winced but laughed a second later and waved at me as she went to join the crowd. I looked over at Bellamy who had disappeared. Scanning the camp quickly, he was nowhere to be seen. Used to this kind of thing, I simply turned back to take care of the kids currently vomiting their stomachs out. Joy.


With the rest of the camp enjoying the festivities of Unity Day, I decided to stock up on supplies for what would be a record number of hangovers the next day. I looked for our fearless leader and found him talking to a few of his snipers.

"Do not shoot any animals. These bullets are all for Grounders. You got that?"

They nodded as he dismissed them to their positions. Waiting until they were all out of earshot I bit my lip and addressed Bellamy.

"Hey Boss, wanna take a trip with me?"

He jumped, either at my playful words or my presence I didn't know. I frowned as I took in his uncomfortable stance. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and I raised my eyebrow.

"You can relax, I was kidding... I'm not here to jump your bones or anything. I just need to get some herbs for the med pack and they're outside the walls."

He nodded, avoiding my stare.

"Oh right. Yeah. Let me just..."

He looked around and I grew even more confused as to why he was acting like this. Come to think of it I had barely seen Bellamy since the other day when I had my argument with Finn.


I looked over to where a young girl was climbing down her spot on the wall and striding over.

"I need you to take the Doc outside the walls, but stay close."

She nodded and Bellamy walked away without a second glance, leaving me standing there in confusion.


"Alright alright, let's get you to bed."

"No but the mushroom wants to party some more!"

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