What I Was Becoming - Chapter 7

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Authors note:

Hello lovelies! Sorry this is going to be a relatively short chapter. I tried to write it in a variety of different ways but they all seemed too redundent or awkward. But since this really short- DOUBLE UPDATE!! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything the 100 related, except Eve, everything is property of the CW and Kass Morgan.

Enjoy! xx


As I woke up the first thing I noticed was my head pounding as if someone was banging a sledgehammer against a solid wall less than a centimeter away from me. I opened my eyes only to groan at the dim light filtering in.

"She's waking up!"

I pushed myself on my elbow and opened my eyes all the way. It took a second before my vision cleared.

Jasper, Monty and Octavia were hovering above me with relieved expressions on their face.

"What... what happened?"

I looked around to see the camp look pretty much the same, except a few people were missing.

"You got knocked out when Bellamy refused to give up Charlotte."

I groaned, at both the pain in my head and at remembering what had transpired over the last few hours.

After Clarke had examined the knife more closely, she found who it had belonged to. Murphy. In hindsight it had made sense. Murphy was the ideal suspect for killing Wells. He had, on more than one occasion, expressed his hatred for the Chancellor's son. So even though I had agreed with her at the moment, I admit that Clarke handled the situation brashly.

She had stormed out of the tent, ignoring Bellamy's words of caution. Wells' death had helped rally the troops against the Grounders and by telling everyone that one of our own did it would make them forget the real danger out there. And that's exactly what happened. Everyone turned against Murphy and even went as far as to put a noose around his neck to hang him. Clarke had pleaded with Bellamy to stop the crowd but he wouldn't. Even a part of me didn't want to. It wasn't until Charlotte confessed that she was the real killer that Finn cut Murphy down.

To say I was surprised was an understatement. I had heard Bellamy telling Charlotte to slay her demons but I hadn't expected her to go this far. Murphy turned the crowd around again on Charlotte. Telling us to bring her out so that they could have justice like everyone had tried to with him. It was wrong but we couldn't let him kill her even though we had just sat by and watched as the crowd tried to kill him. Bellamy had tried to talk Murphy down but it had just resulted in him getting knocked unconscious and the same happened to me when I tried. However, Finn and Clarke had used the distraction to escape with Charlotte.

Octavia helped me sit up and I realized we were still in the same place where Murphy had been hung. I winced at the memory of him hitting me with a metal rod before shoving me hard to the ground.

"We- uh didn't know what to do. We didn't want to move you."

I looked over at Monty's worried look and followed his gaze to my shoulder. I almost laughed at the irony. My shoulder was dislocated at the hands of Murphy after I had done the same thing to him when we first met.

"It's a good thing you didn't. Jasper, can you get me some water and a piece of cloth to use as a brace?"

He nodded and ran off to get the supplies. Once he returned I gulped down the water and relished in small amount of relief it provided me. Bringing the collar of my jacket to my mouth, I bit down on the fabric before shifting my arm into position.

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