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guess who's back

((idk if half of u remember what's happened but let's give this a try))


"You guys are slobs, it's disgusting." I mutter, picking up everything they leave laying around.

"We're boys, obviously we're going to leave a mess everywhere." Luke says, walking by me.

"I love Grace, she just cleans all the time." Calum smiles.

I roll my eyes before dropping everything I'm holding, "Now you can clean it."

"Are you going to come to that party with us tonight?" Calum asks.

I sigh, "No, I'm really not in the mood to go to a party."

"Michael's sick and Grace won't come with us, what is wrong with you people." Calum mutters, heading upstairs.

"Michael's sick?" I ask.

"I'm pretty sure he's faking it because he knows you won't want to go." Luke whispers.

I head upstairs to Calum and Michael's room, the two are both in there.

"You two are so boring, I'm glad you're not coming." Calum says as he leaves the room.

"Yea, I'm not really sick." Michael says as I sit on the edge of his bed.

"I kinda figured that." I chuckle.

"It's just we're going to be stuck with them in this house, it'll be nice to get rid of them for a while." He smiles.

"Just us." I smile back.

"I'm glad the guys are going, they're annoying." He replies.

"Maybe, tonight, we can try to figure out how we're gonna tell Ashton." I mutter.

"I thought you were gonna say we could have sex but I guess not." He pouts.

Calum enters the room, giving us a questioning look.

"Are you sure you two aren't fucking or something?" Calum asks, searching through his clothes.

Michael just rolls his eyes, turning away from me.

"Am I not allowed to check on him?" I question.

"Well sorry." Calum mutters before grabbing what he needed and leaving.

"So, Michael, how about when they leave, we go cuddle and watch a movie?"

"Grace, Michael, we're leaving!" Ashton calls.

The door slams closed and Michael sighs, "Help me up."

"Oh, come on." I mutter, grabbing his hand to help him sit up.

He smiles, pressing a quick kiss to my lips before he stands up and walks off.

I meet him downstairs, where he's curled up on the couch, smiling up at me, "You're cute."

"So are you." I chuckle as he pulls me onto his lap.

I look up at him, and his smile gets even bigger, "You're amazing."

"Michael, we need to talk about telling Ashton..."

"I don't wanna tell him..." He groans.

"Okay, can we at least tell Calum soon?" I ask.

"I-I guess. I mean, I'm even scared of telling Calum." He whispers.

"Why?" I question.

"What he might say." He mumbles.

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