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"Are you excited for your blind date tonight?" Becca asks, walking into my room.

"What kind of question is that? Obviously I'm not." I tell her.

She comes and sits at the edge of my bed making me look up from my phone.

"What are you doing on this date thing?" Bec asks.

"I don't even know. Leah said something about going to dinner, I wasn't really listening." I reply.

"Well I need to talk to you after your date, just so you know." She says.

"About what?" I question.

"Nothing, I'll talk to you later. Get ready for your date." She tells me, leaving the room.

I groan in response.

Why do I have to do this?

Forcing myself to get up, I pick out what I want to wear. I really don't care for this date though so I guess it doesn't really matter what I wear.

After I'm done getting ready I step outside my room to be greeted by Ashton.

I sigh, "If you say anything abut this date I swear-"

"I'm not going to." He tells me.

"You're not?" I ask. "Are you feeling okay?"

He chuckles, "I'm fine, I'm not going to bother you about your date."

"Who are you and what have you done with my brother?" I question, staring him down.

"Shut up." He laughs.

I smile making him smile.

"Have fun, Grace, okay?" He tells me.

"Now I'm seriously scared." I mumble.

I rush downstairs, "Mum! Ashton's freaking me out!"

"All I did was tell her to enjoy her date!" Ashton exclaims, running down the stairs to me and our mother.

"You two are acting like little kids- wait Ashton you what?" My mum says.

"Is it a crime for me to tell to have fun?" Ashton asks.

"Who are you and what have you done to my son?" She questions, putting her hands on either side of his face.

He shakes her off and rolls his eyes.

"I'm going back to my room." Ashton says running upstairs.

"So your brother didn't freak out over you going on a date?" She asks.

I shake my head, "He told me to enjoy myself and I'm really confused."

There's a knock on the door and I take a deep breath before answering it.

"Hey, I'm Blake." He smiles, sticking his hand out for me to shake.

"Grace." I introduce myself with a smile.

I follow him out to the car where Leah and Dylan are waiting.

"Hey Dylan, Leah." I say, getting into the car.

Dylan smiles and Leah replies with, "Hello."

We drive off and I give Leah a glare.

Once we get to the restaurant we wait to be seated.

Leah and Dylan are having their own conversation and so Blake turns to me.

Oh how great is this going to be..

Secrets [m. clifford]Where stories live. Discover now