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Rebecca's POV
So I came the longest reigning Raw women's champion in raw history and I had a title match against Naomi who at the time was a goodie and I was not a goodie or a baddie.
I arrived at the arena with Colby and I went to creative because they wanted to speak with us about a idea that they had.
We walked into the board room and saw people already sitting there and we took our seats and I got nervous so to calm me down I held my husbands hand.
We were at a PPV called bad blood they brought that PPV back.
Triple H: Well we have a idea for you but for it to work we need you guys to be more lovey to each other.
Colby: I don't know about that the last time we were put together we got judged and I don't want that.
Rebecca: I feel the same like does the man need a man. But I want to join the group and be his queen.
Triple H: We know that last time it didn't work out but we want to try it one more time because you are going to be husband and wife. We want to give you Rebecca a chance to become Colby's manger.
Rebecca: What about the man and what about my title?
Triple H: Do you remember when Lita and Edge at the time Lita was doing both she defended her title and then backup Edge. We want you to do the same thing for Colby.
Rebecca looks at Colby and his eyes said ' I want you'.
Rebecca: Okay I do it.

So they walk out of the board room and head to their locker room and they got ready.
Colby: Why did you want to do it?
Rebecca: Other than Stomping grounds and extreme rules I want to show a different side of us to our future children. And to also show our future children how much we are in love.
Colby: Well lets go out there and be baddies I love you.
Rebecca: I love you too.
I walked back into gorilla and got ready for my match against Naomi and my music hit and I went out there and defend my title. The match was 20 minutes back and forth between Rebecca and Naomi and then Rebecca put Naomi in the dis-arm-her and she tapped.
Rebecca walked back into the locker room and got ready for heel turn. She had gotten out of her gear and put the outfit that Colby picked out for her. Colby was waiting for her at gorilla and when he saw her he knew that they were doing the right thing.
Colby heard 'Burn it down' so he walked down the ramp and into the ring. He had a match for the wwe championship against Kevin Owens.
The match was good it went on for 30 minutes until the official went down because Kevin got pushed into the official and that's when Rebecca came out the crowd was shocked. Rebecca gave Colby a led pipe and he used it and gave it back to Rebecca. I looked back and Rebecca and she was laughing and saying ' Burn It Down' and I stomped Kevin's head on the mat for a 3 count and I won the wwe championship.

The next night on raw Rebecca came out on the ramp and induced me.
Rebecca: Ladies and gentleman my hot fiancé and the greatest wwe champion in wwe history Seth Rollins.
They walk in hand in hand and Colby opened the ropes so Rebecca got into the ring. Rebecca gave him a microphone and a kiss on the cheek.
Colby: I want everyone to know I told you so. All of you haters said that I couldn't do it. That I couldn't beat Kevin Owens. Well I proved you all wrong and there is one person who did think that I could beat Kevin Owens is this beautiful woman beside me. And that's what gets to you, the Monday night messiah is trying to save you and you can't believe that she is standing next to me.
Rebecca: I want everyone to know that he is the Monday night messiah and he is a leader he is Monday night raw.
And they kissed happy and not caring that the wwe universe was booing them.
They walked back backstage stage hugging each other and she whispered in his ear 'that was fun'.

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