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Rebeccas POV
Today was the day that I was going to be Mrs Colby Daniel Lopez. I woke up calm as a cucumber and it wasn't until Ashley came into my room that I got nervous.
Ashley: What's wrong?
Rebecca: I'm nervous and excited.
Ashley: Alright take a deep breath in and close your eyes.
So I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes.
Rebecca: Now what Ashley?
Ashley: I want you to picture the day that you met Colby.
I remembered that day and I immediately smiled and opened my eyes and hugged Ashley.
Rebecca: Thanks that helped me Ashley.

The makeup artist and the hair dresser came to my room and now it was becoming more real. In a few hours I would be married to my best friend and I couldn't wait. There was a knock on the door and Ashley opened it and there was this present with a note addressed to me. The note said 'my darling Rebecca I can't wait to marry you and I can't wait to make you happy forever. Love Colby'. I opened the gift and it was a necklace with a heart penant. I immediately put it on and wore it.

Colbys POV
I was dressed and I had walked to Rebeccas room and knocked on the door but before Ashley answered I left the gift at the door. I knew that she would love it because it came from me. Once I returned to my room I grabbed money because Rebecca wanted to do give money to the parents to have her. I had a lot of money prepared because knowing Rebecca she would tell them more money. Rebeccas parents knew that they didn't need the money because Ken and Annette loved me and accepted me from day one.

So once Colby paid Rebeccas parents a lot of money to marry her he made his was to the altar and stood there all by himself. Colby then saw the bridal party walk down the isle with Ashley giving him a wink. Colby got excited that he was going to finally see Rebecca and when he saw her for the first time in the wedding dress his breath was taken away. She smiled at him while walking down the isle with Ken. They finally reached Colby and Ken gives Rebeccas hand to Colby and gives him a hug.

Colby holds Rebeccas hand as the judge starts the ceremony.
Judge: Who gives this woman away to this man?
Ken: Her mother and I
Judge: We are here to witness the marriage between Colby and Rebecca I have gotten to know these two people in the last 2 weeks and I can tell you these two are in love. Rebecca do you take Colby as your husband?
Rebecca: I do.
Judge: Colby do you take Rebecca as your wife?
Colby: I do.
Judge: The couple have written there own vowels Colby you can go first.

Colby: Rebecca five years ago backstage at Raw I saw this sexy redhead walk in and I thought who is she. Later on that night I got to talk to this beautiful woman and from that first conversation I was stunned at how amazing she is. Rebecca every thing change when you kissed me at Royal Rumble because I knew that you were my other half and I couldn't believe that it felt so good kissing you. Everyday since then has been a world wind and I wouldn't want to change it. I love you Rebecca any success that I have is all thanks to you and I'm glad that I have you in my life. I'm glad that you are going to be the mother of our future children and I'm glad that I get to show you how much I love you every day.

Judge: Rebecca your turn.
Rebecca: I originally didn't think that I was good enough to make it to the main roster and to my surprise I'm glad that I did because I would never had met you. Royal rumble where we kissed for the first time I felt like it was right for me to kiss you and that scared me because I had never felt that way before. I still feel that way today as we are getting married. Colby I will always have your back and I will always be by your side in the good times and bad. Today I promise in front of my family and your family I will always put you first. I love you more than words can describe. I'm glad that you get to be the father of our future children and I'm glad I get to show you how much I love you every day.

Judge: Rebecca please put this ring on Colbys left hand. And Colby please put this ring on Rebeccas left hand.
Both Colby and Rebecca put the rings on each other's finger.
Judge: It's my great pleasure to induce for the first time Mr and Mrs Colby Daniel Lopez. Colby you may now kiss your bride.
Colby kissed Rebecca on the lips and whispered ' You look so beautiful Mrs Lopez.'
Rebecca kissed him again knowing that she just made the best decision of her life and that was marrying Colby. This was it for them both for the first time the universe brought them together and they were really happy that they were finally married and now her role on tv was the role she loved playing being Colbys wife.

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