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Rebecca was 6 weeks pregnant and she was just staring at the baby picture. Colby was on the road calling Rebecca every night to make sure that she was okay.
Colby: How are you and baby doing?
Rebecca: I have been throwing up but that's normal so I'm good. How about you?
Colby: I'm missing you like crazy but I know that you are doing something better.
Rebecca: I was thinking of names for the baby.
Colby: We don't even know what it is.
Rebecca: I was thinking that we can call it little bear until it gets here.
Colby: I love that I have to go I love you.
Rebecca: I love you too.

Colby was then congratulated from all of WWE and people who were on the roster. Colby swamp by the whole women's locker room and he was scared because all they wanted to do was talk about the baby. Everyone was happy for Rebecca because she was well liked backstage and he felt so overwhelmed. To the point he ran to his locker room and he locked himself in his private locker room and then he heard knocking on the door.
Colby: Who is it?
Ashley: It's Ashley I have something for you?
Colby opened the door and saw Ashley standing their with Rebecca he immediately hugged her and hold her close.

Colby: I have missed you and I'm so glad that you are here.
Rebecca: Why?
Colby: Because I'm getting overwhelmed with getting congratulated about the baby.
Rebecca: Alright take a deep breath in and just focus on my voice.
Colby: It's working can I talk to the Little Bear?
Rebecca: Yeah according to my pregnancy book it can hear voices now.
Colby: Little bear I love you very much I want you to know that every time that daddy fights I fight for you and mommy. Daddy wants to apologise because you are coming into this world as a child of celebrity's . But I'm not as popular as mommy. Daddy will always love you and no matter if I win or lose I have already got the 2 best titles in the world. One being your daddy and the other being mommy's husband.

Rebecca: It's true little bear but mommy and daddy can't wait to meet you and we will do anything to protect you and that's why we are calling you little bear. Because if you are anything like your daddy or mommy you are going to be a fighter too. You are going to have a strong mind witch is good.
Colby: Just so you know little bear if you are a girl daddy will never let you date until you are 30.
Rebecca: I think that you are dreaming I want you to think about how old you are when you started dating me?
Colby: I was 33 when I started dating you and we are here now married and having a baby on the way.
Rebecca: Don't worry little bear mommy's got your back if you're a girl.

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