Rebecca was now 12 weeks pregnant and Colby was on the road defending the WWE championship. He was going to miss her doctors appointment and he felt sad because she was going to find out the gender of little bear. Rebecca: I can't wait to find out what little bear is. Colby: I can't wait either I'm sorry I'm not going to be there. Rebecca: Its okay as long you are here for the birth of little bear. Colby: I'm doing that today I'm going to ask for some time off around when you are due. Rebecca: Okay you're mom is here I have to go I love you. Colby: I love you too.
Colby got off the phone and looked at the WWE championship and he didn't relized that Joe was in the room. Joe: Colby! Colby: Oh hey Joe. Joe: What's wrong? Colby: I'm missing seeing what gender little bear is. Joe: Let me guess Rebecca isn't happy that you are missing it. Colby: No she understands but I wanna be their for my wife and for my child. Joe how do you balance everything? Joe: It's not easy and I struggled when I started but now I have a routine. Dating the wife and spending time with Jojo it is hard. Colby: Thanks for the advice man. Joe: Anytime.
Meanwhile Rebecca arrived at the doctors office with Holly and sat down until she heard her name. When she heard her name she walked back into the doctors office and laid on the bed. Dr. Williamson: Hello Rebecca are you ready to see baby? Rebecca: Yes please. Dr. Williamson: Do you want to know the gender? Rebecca: Yes. Dr. Williamson turned on the monitor and immediately Rebecca smiled because she saw the baby that her and Colby created. Dr. Williamson: Congratulations you're having a baby girl. Rebecca turns to Holly and cries Rebecca was happy about a girl because she knew that her husband would love her to death.
Colby looked at his phone after his match and Rebecca had sent him a picture of little bear and a caption under it saying 'I already stolen your heart daddy because if you love mommy you are going to love me. Daddy I'm going to be your little princess.
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Colby couldn't believe it he was getting a daughter. So he rang Rebecca to make sure that everything was okay. Colby: How is she? Rebecca: Yeah she's happy and healthy and she is growing at the right pace. Colby: You made my day just like you do everyday how did I manage to get you to marry me. Rebecca:It was a easy decision and I'm glad that you are my husband. This little girl should be happy because you're her daddy. Colby: Did you want me to announce that we are having a girl or do you want to do it? Rebecca: How about we both do it. Colby: Alright I will see you in a couple days and I love you. Rebecca: I love you too. Rebecca hung up the phone and went on Twitter and tweeted ' Future WWE women's champion' and people thought that she was coming back.
That was until Colby went on Instagram and posted this picture with the caption ' Future WWE Women's Champion following in mommy's footsteps.
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