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Colby's POV
Today was wrestlemania and the best part was that I had Rebecca.We started dating and she was spending more time in my house and I was spending time with her in LA. We loved each other so much that I would do anything to support her. We were staying at a hotel for the whole weekend and the best part was that I got to wake up in her arms with her red hair everywhere. I loved wrestlemania but Rebecca changed that because I loved her more than any title. As long as she was happy I was happy because she has the prettiest smile I have ever seen.

Rebecca's POV
I woke up in Colby's arms and I woke him up.
Rebecca: Good morning sunshine!
Colby: Good morning. Did you get any sleep last night because you are going to need it.
Rebecca: Yeah but I might have a nap after your match how are you feeling?
Colby: I'm nervous to start the night but I'm excited that I'm bringing back the universal title to a fighting champion. What about you?
Rebecca: I'm very nervous because I want the match to be good and to be worthy of the main event.

So Colby and Rebecca get out of bed and grabbed coffee and breakfast and they went into the car. Driving to the stadium she was cool like a cucumber and she didn't feel nervous until she walked into the empty stadium that was when she got nervous this was everything that she worked for.
Rebecca goes watch Colby get ready for his match and she watched him warm up.
Colby: I'm almost up do you want to walk to the curtain with me?
Rebecca: Yes.
Colby put his hand in her hand and they walked into to gorilla together.
Rebecca: I will watch and wait back here for you.
Colby: Okay I love you so much and I am going to dedicate my win to you.

As Colby's music hit she couldn't help it but blush she watched him pin Brock Lesnar for a three count she was so happy for him and she was even more happy because she knew that he was her man.
When Colby walked backstage he was Congratulationed on his win and he saw Rebecca there he dropped his title and hugged her and kissed her saying 'I love you'. So he picked up his title did a interview and went back into his locker room.
He saw Rebecca their and he just smiled.
Colby: Now they have photos of us kissing when do you want to break the news?
Rebecca: Definitely sometime after Wrestlemania I need to focus on winning tonight's main event.
Colby: Yeah I want to see Becky 2 belts because that would be awesome.
Rebecca kissed Colby and the watched the next three matches on the sofa cuddled up on each other.

A few hours later Rebecca was getting ready and she was in gorilla when she saw Ashley wink at her so she winked back. Ronda went out first and then Charlotte came in on a plane and Rebecca was just walking into Wrestlemania as the man.
The match was great both Ashley and Rebecca were carrying Ronda and here comes the moment where Rebecca won. She pinned Ronda and it felt good to win for so many reasons:
1. Rebecca is the only woman who defeated the baddest woman on the planet.
2. Winning two belts and knowing that she was going to everything in her power to defend her titles.
3. This was everything that Rebecca had dreamt about as a little girl in Ireland. She dreamt about main eventing wrestlemania and this lived up to her expectations and she was happy that she was going to change the business that she loved.
4. She was going to show little girls around the world that it's okay to be a wrestler and that's okay to be a underdog.

Rebecca walked back into gorilla she saw Colby crying so she went to him they had an amazing Wrestlemania week and Rebecca was so glad that she had found Colby because they both loved this business and she was started to think that they could run this place.

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