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Rebecca spend 5 weeks being Colbys manger and she was loving it. But apart of her was missing having alone time with Savannah. So Colby and Rebecca were given a couple of days off so they could spend time with Savannah.
Rebecca and Colby took Savannah to the zoo and Savannah loved it. Rebecca loved seeing her daughter smiling and laughing and it made Rebecca think that she wanted to have more moments like this. Savannah was in the stroller and she was asleep so Rebecca and Colby took a walk to the waterfall of the zoo. When they reached the waterfall Rebecca had one hand on the stroller and the other hand was holding Colbys hand it was a beautiful site to see.

Colby: I know something is bothering you what's going on in your beautiful mind?
Rebecca: I have missed this like spending time with Savannah and being her mom. I've missed us hanging out and just being us again.
Colby: Well I will support your decision whatever you want to do so the question is what do you want to do?
Rebecca: I think want to retire and I still want to travel with you because I miss you when you're on the road. I never thought that I would love someone so much that I would do anything for and that changed when I met you. But I just don't know what I want to do.
Colby: Aw honey well I'm going to tell you what my wife told me ' I love you and no matter what I have your heart and your back forever '.
Rebecca: Sounds like a smart woman.

Rebecca thought about what she wanted to do and she slept on it. She was holding Savannah who was asleep in her arms and even though Savannah couldn't talk yet Rebecca was going to tell Savannah what was going on. Because Rebecca always wanted her children to know that every decision that she was making was what was best for them.
Rebecca: You know how much I love you my little bear and mommy has been thinking of spending more time with you. Savannah you are perfect because we made you and I couldn't imagine you not being in my life. Mommy loves you more than daddy loves you I'm pretty sure that he tells you that. I know that you can keep a secret I want more of you I think I want to have a other baby.

What Rebecca didn't know was that Colby was hearing the whole conversation with Savannah and he knew that she had made up her mind but he looked at like it was the right time for them. Colby was looking for a opportunity to become a part time wrestler because he wanted more time with Savannah and Rebecca. Savannah is a happy healthy baby and she was definitely daddy's little girl but Colby knew that Rebecca wanted a boy. Both Colby and Rebecca were on the same page and with one look at each other they knew that more kids were about to be in this world.

Colby sat next to Rebecca and put his hand on her thigh.
Colby: Savannah is down for the night so that means that we can get some alone time.
Rebecca: Oh really?
Colby: I heard your conversation with Savannah and it made think that I would love to have more children with you.
Rebecca: Savannah was just looking a me with those beautiful brown eyes and it was the first time that I wanted more children with those beautiful brown eyes.
Colby: I know about beautiful brown eyes because my wife has them and any time she looks at me I loose it.
Rebecca looked at Colby and kissed him passionately and they ended up making love multiple times.

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