Stomping grounds PPV. Rebecca kickoff the PPV defending her title against Lacey Evans. Rebecca was backstage watching Lacey make her entrance and then she heard Colby. Colby: Ladies and gentlemen stand up and show some respect for your queen and my wife The Man Becky Lynch. Rebecca walks out and kisses Colby and she alone heads down to the ring and the match starts. After 30 minutes Rebecca grabbed Lacey and put her in the dis arm her and Lacey taps. Then Rebecca sees Colby standing on the ramp and she mouthed ' Burn it down' and Rebecca stomped Laceys head into the mat.
They got backstage and Colby kissed Rebecca. Colby: How did you learn the stomp. Rebecca: My husband last night taught me how to do it and I wanted to show him that I loved him. Colby: I love you too my beautiful wife you need to go get changed into your outfit that you are going to wear inside the shark cage. Rebecca: Are you going to help me messiah? Colby: I think I can help you my queen. Colby and Rebecca got back to the dressing room and as promised he helped him get changed.
It was time for Colbys match and Kevin Owens was already out there waiting for Colby. Rebecca walks out first with her husbands tee shirt on and her engagement ring and wedding ring was showing. Rebecca: Kevin I hope that when you loose tonight you will have no one to blame but your self. Every one please welcome the Monday night messiah and my husband Seth Rollins. Colby comes out and grabs Rebeccas hand walks her to the shark cage and when the arrive at the shark cage Colby gives Rebecca a kiss and slides her a spare key. Rebecca smiled at him knowing that he definitely was going to win.
The match starts and Colby is all over Kevin he has found a new gear. About 20 minutes in Colby pushed Kevin into the official and knocked him out Kevin relized what Seth was doing so he went to the shark cage at looked at Rebecca. Kevin then spoke to Rebecca so that everyone heard the conversation. Kevin: What is he doing? Rebecca: Burn It Down. All of sudden the lights go out and when they come back on Kevin is laid out near the shark cage with Rebecca in it.
The official started stirring and Colby stomped Kevin's Head in 3 times and then pinned Kevin for the 3 count. Colby had just won and then Rebecca let herself out of the cage going into the ring holding her husbands hand in victory.
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Just pretend that she is wearing Colbys tee shirt.
Colby got backstage and immediately whispered in her ear ' Thank you and I will treat you right tonight'. Then he kissed her and cameras caught it because he was doing a 365 and so was she. They got stopped by Kayla Braxton who wanted to do a interview so they did that interview. Kayla: Congratulations on your win Seth so what is next? Colby looks at Rebecca and she looks back at him. Rebecca: Seriously Kayla you are asking the Monday night messiah what's next you know what's next and that is my husband beating anyone who stands in his way in leading this company forward. Kayla: Do you think Kevin might come after you? Colby: Kevin lost fair and square I had no help at winning tonight but I'm done answering your questions so Rebecca and I have some celebrating to do.