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Rebecca and Colby came back from their honeymoon in Jamaica and Rebecca quietly didn't want to leave but she knew that her and Colby had to go back to work. When she got back to the house she immediately went to the toilet and threw up.
Colby: Are you okay?
Rebecca: Yeah I just think I ate something that hasn't agreed with me.
Colby: Do you need anything my beautiful wife?
Rebecca: Yes can you please get me a bottle of water my husband.
Rebecca and Colby were loving calling each other husband and wife and she couldn't ask for a better man.

Colby comes back with a bottle of water and Rebecca drinks the water and she feels a lot better.
Rebecca: Colby I'm tired can I go to bed early?
Colby: Of course sweetie let me carry you.
Colby picks up Rebecca and carries her to the bed and tucks her in and he cuddles into her.
Colby: If you're not feeling better by the morning I'm going to get a doctor.
Rebecca: I'm feeling a lot better I think it was something I ate and I think I am a bit jet lag. I love you.
Colby: I love you too.

The next morning Rebecca wakes up to see Colby not next to her and she still wasn't feeling well. So wondering what to do next she called Holly.
Holly: Hello
Rebecca: Hey Holly I was wondering if you can get me something for me?
Holly: What?
Rebecca: And promise not to tell Colby?
Holly: I promise.
Rebecca: Holly I think I might be pregnant.
Holly: Okay I will get you a pregnancy test and I will sit with you.
Rebecca: Thanks Holly
About 10 minutes later Holly arrived at Colbys home and Rebecca opened the door and Rebecca immediately went into the bathroom and took the test.

Holly: Are you nervous?
Rebecca: I'm not as nervous when I married your son I think I'm more excited than anything.
Holly: If you are pregnant how are you going to tell him.
Rebecca: I'm going to figure it out.
The timer went off and she picked up the stick and she immediately smiled 'Well Holly you're going to be a grandma because I'm pregnant'. So with that Holly left and I started to set up my plan for Colby. I think I was just going to make his day. I texted Colby ' I have a surprise for you.'

Colbys POV
Rebecca had a surprise for me and something in me knew that I was going to love this surprise. So I finished at the wrestling school and drove home I got out of the car and went into the home. I looked around for Rebecca when I saw a note saying ' You're ' and I walked to our bedroom down the hallway. On the walls was the word going and I finally reached the bedroom door and I couldn't open it fast enough. I immediately calmed down when I saw her I kissed her and she was happy.

Rebecca: So I got you this.
I opened the bag and my jaw nearly hit the floor I saw a sign that said ' Congrats Mr Lopez you're going to be a father'.
Colby: You're pregnant
Rebecca: Yes the test said 4 weeks.
Colby: Can I talk to it?
Rebecca: I don't know if it will hear you but yes.
Colby: Hello little bear I'm your daddy and I can't wait to meet you I want to let you know that you are already winning in life because you have the best mommy in the world. No matter what you look like you're mommy and daddy will love you forever.
Rebecca: I love you.
Colby: I love you Rebecca and I'm sorry that you have to give up wrestling for a while.
Rebecca: It's okay because I know that I'm getting something much better than wrestling.

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