Rebeccas POV I'm 32 weeks pregnant and I'm ready to have this baby because I'm tired of being pregnant and I wouldn't change it for the world. But I know that we will get the most beautiful baby girl in the world. Colby is now off work and he dropped his title to Cesaro which we were happy for him. He still goes down to his wrestling school and teaches some classes and checks in on his coffee shop. He mostly stays at home making sure that I'm okay when I married him I really hit the jackpot. We are on the couch watching the tiger king when I felt a sharp pain I immediately hugged Colby and the pain went away.
I was getting these sharp pain every 20 minutes. Rebecca: Colby I think Savannah's coming. Colby: How far apart are your contractions? Rebecca: I'm getting them every 20 minutes. Colby: Alright lets get you the hospital. Rebecca was trying to stand up but couldn't because she was in pain so Colby carried her out to the car. He made sure that she was okay and he drove the hospital with one hand on the wheel and the other hand was Rebeccas squeeze toy. They made it to the hospital and then Rebeccas water broke they immediately went into a hospital room.
Dr. Williamson walked and checked how much Rebecca had left to go she was 8 meters dialated. So Rebecca at this point was going in the 6th hour of her labour. Colby was there to support his wife and made sure that she was okay. Rebecca was finally at 10 meters and she was ready to push. Dr. Williamson: Okay next contraction I need you to push. Rebecca pushed as hard as she could and kept breathing. Dr. Williamson: Good job I see a head you need to push 2 more times. Rebecca pushed two more times and heard her baby cry.
Dr. Williamson: Congratulations it's a girl dad do you want to cut the cord? Colby cuts the cord and goes back to his wife. Colby looked at his baby girl and immediately fell in love with her. To him his heart got stolen for the second time and he didn't care she was a perfect product of their love. Rebecca: Hello Savannah I'm you're mommy and this is your daddy. Colby: She is so perfect and you are my superhero. Colby kissed Rebecca and took a picture of Savannah and sent it to his family and her family. Colby: Do you mind if I announce that we had Savannah? Rebecca: Nah go for your life.
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Colby posted that picture and wrote ' Savannah Grace Lopez born December 22 at 10:00 am. Mom and baby are doing great I now have two loves of my life and I couldn't be happy.' #bow down to your new princess.