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Win woke up in a very unfamiliar room. He was squinting against the sunlight that was blazing over his skin. He looked around, rubbing his eyes hoping to chase the sleepiness away. He tried to recall the things that happened last night. He would've thought he slept with someone if he wasn't wearing any clothes but he was and it wasn't his.

The talk with his father.

The beach event.


Right, he was with Bright last night. This must be his room. He figured that the clothes he was wearing must belong to Bright though he blushed with the thought of the other guy seeing him naked. He searched for his missing phone over the thick bed sheets. Instead, he saw it on the side table beside a glass of water and some advil. He picked his phone up and read the little note that came along with it.

Eat before you take your medicines. There's breakfast on the table.

He smiled a little at the care package that Bright had prepared for him. Where is Bright, anyway? He thought to himself. Before he could stand and look for Bright, his phone buzzed; his mother was calling.

"Mae," he breathed as he massaged his temples, his head beginning to pound. It was the second time this week and he slapped himself for some impulsive decisions he made just because his heart was broken.

"Win! I've been calling you since this morning!"

He realized it was already eleven in the morning. His drunk ass slept through the whole morning and he didn't tell his mom he was going out last night.

"Sorry Mae, I was with Bright. I got drunk."

"I know, Bright passed by an hour ago telling me what happened last night. I just called to check if you're up and if you're fine."

How the hell did Bright wake up early? Didn't he get drunk last night too?

"Yeah, I am. I'm sorry, I'll be down in a few minutes. Just let me compose myself," He said and bid goodbye to his mom.

He searched for his clothes that he was wearing last night but he couldn't find them. He looked at himself and the clothes weren't bad- sweat shorts and a soft cotton shirt. He could walk out with these clothes on. He found some pancakes and bacon on the table. Probably room service, he thought. He took two large bites of the fluffy pancake and scooped some bacon before taking the Advil and gulping it down with water. He took his phone and made the messy bed that he just slept on before leaving the room.

It was indeed already afternoon and the resort was already getting crowded. It was officially summer and a bunch of families came to spend their vacation at the resort. He smiled at a few familiar faces- personnel and family friends- before he reached his home.

Win waiid at his parents who were about to head out too. Upon seeing his father, he felt guilty about his rude behaviour last night. He shouldn't have acted that way towards his father when his father was clueless to his real situation. He should even feel thankful that his dad was trying to catch up with the things he had missed in Win's life.

"Mae, por," He greeted them.

"Oh Win, I'm glad you're here already. We need to sort out some things in a nearby town regarding some supplies for the resort. I've cooked something and you just need to reheat it. Help yourself, Win."

"Yes mae, thanks and you guys take care."

His father pursed his lips and patted his son at the back. "You feeling better, Win?"

"I am, por. Sorry for last night."

His father smiled at him, the wrinkles on his eyes visible. "Eh, I've been there too, you know. And you can always talk to me."

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